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QCAD - 2D CAD System.

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IDCategoryTask TypeSeveritySummaryStatus  ascProgress
1723QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowDetecting overlapping line / arc segmentsAssigned
4 Task Description

Add a tool to detect overlapping segments or lines and arcs.
Similar like the “overkill” command in other CAD systems.

1731QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowOption to place text to other sideAssigned
Task Description

Hi Andrew,

It would be good to have an option to be able to place the text to the left or right,maybe just a simple check box? please see attached screenshot to explain. In this instance (and I have to do this a lot ;)) I had to explode the dimension entity and rearrange the text manually :(

Many thanks


1755QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowSelecting standard rotation angles by mouse click for M...Assigned
1 Task Description

This would be nice.
It will save a lot mouse - keypad changes for me.

1772QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowGo back on right-click on shaded Tool buttonAssigned
Task Description

Right-click on the tools on the left-hand side of the screen brings you back in the hierarchy.

However, that does not work if you right-click while hovering above a button that that is shaded (inactive).

1788QCAD (main)Feature RequestVery LowNew snap: reference points of a block referencesAssigned
Task Description

I know this was reported and fixed before ...


... but it looks like we have the issue now back with some kind of variation.

If I use the test drawing which I posted in 2013 ( FS#843 ) it works still as expected after it was fixed.

If I create a new block it won’t work in a new drawing nor in the old test drawing - no chance to snap to the Block Reference.

Edit: New Test drawing:

1810QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowChange icons from black on white to white on black depe...Assigned
1 Task Description

Automatic change of icons in the Library Browser from black on white to white on black or vice versa depending on the background (white or black; light or dark) in QCAD main window.
See also https://www.qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?f=31&p=21970#p21970

1811QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowZoom 1:1Assigned
2 Task Description

It would be nice to be able to adjust the zoom factor so that the scale on the screen matches a ruler which I lay on the screen.


1826QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowguide lines when extending lines Assigned
Task Description

When using the SHIFT key while dragging the end point a perpendicular guide line is displayed (see attached screenshot).
It would be very helpful if other guide lines with x=const. and y= const. are displayed when pressing SHIFT + ALT key together while dragging.

1827QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowProperty Editor: Accept advanced scale expressions for ...Assigned
Task Description


Identical scale expression used in Print Preview like 5:1, 5/1, 5”=1”, 5 are working flawless like expected.
Same expression used in a Viewport scale leads to different outcomes.

The Property Editor used to fix that in Paper_Space does also not accept those standard expressions.

1833QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowDeep synchronize attributes featureAssigned
1 Task Description

There is the Synchronize attributes feature which works well. But It affects only block references in the active layout(modelspace, block layout). If I want to synchronize attributes of block references in in another blocks, i have to manually go through all blocks and run synchronize attributes feature. That is the reason I would like to modify Synchronize attributes feature to affect all block references in a drawing, or add new Deep synchronize attributes feature.

1836QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowOffset for paste along entityAssigned
Task Description

add a new parameter “offset” in the dialog “Paste along entity”

see https://www.qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=5929&p=22307#p22307

1837QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowLine bisector toolAssigned
1 Task Description


we have already this nice tool “Angle bisector”.

I would really appreciate if we could get the same function for parallel lines to place a line exactly in the center of both lines.


1838QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowCarbide Create importAssigned
Task Description

Add support for importing Carbide Create files (.c2d).

Format is JSON based, human readable.

1870QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Stretch tool / option to turn selection restriction on...Assigned
Task Description


since 3.19.2 the Stretch tool looks for any selection and follows the specification “Only stretch selected entities if there is a selection”.

That is a nice feature but it leads many times to confusing because I have to deselect a selection just because I need to use the stretch tool on something else on the fly. The same if I “forgot” a selection outside of my zoom which is still important for me. The stretch tool just won’t work without any message why not. My routine now is that I terminate every selection just before I use the stretch tool just not to be surprised by “why isn’t it working”?

It would be nice to have in the Stretch option bar a checkbox to turn the “only selection feature” on or off. QCAD should remember that setting.

1878QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowSnap > Distances from 2 Points: snap to point with give...Assigned
1 Task Description

See also:

1886QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowSupport advanced tolerance settings for dimensionsAssigned
2 Task Description

Add support for
- tolerance display (dimtol)
- upper limit (dimtp)
- lower limit (dimtm)
- tolerance precision (dimtdec)
- tolerance text size factor (dimtfac)
- tolerance suppress zeros, etc.

See also:

1890QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowPossibility to address an QCAD extern font folderAssigned
Task Description

Like the Library Browser it would be nice to be able to define a extern font source folder. Especially now after we are able to create our own cxf fonts with QCAD. :-)

The reason is the same why we have it already for the library - without it we have to copy our individual fonts manually every time after a QCAD update to use them uninterrupted for existing and new drawings.

1895QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowAdd support for block transformation matricesAssigned
Task Description

Support transformations by transformation matrix for block references.

See also:

1903QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowSaving layer settings, e.g. visibility status, associat...Assigned
1 Task Description

In a medium complex drawing it may be too much details to have all layers in a drawing visible at once.

Instead a number of views would be created that saves not only zoom level and position but also what layers are visible and not (as appropriate for the purpose of that particular view). This is very cumbersome (to the extent it is not really realistic) to achieve today and requires a lot of duplication of both model and layers.

The advantage of adding this is the ability to have only one model (with multiple views) and avoid duplication of work and the risk of inconsistency inherent with many copies of the model.

As a further (and natural extension to this) would be the ability to used this functionality with view-ports to be able to create (possibly many) paper-spaces from a single model. This would however require view-ports to be aware of what view they are a window into. A single change in the model would then propagate to all defined view-ports and paper-spaces.

1917QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowAutomatic labels with static information of the drawingAssigned
Task Description

I would like static information of the drawing (like scale, creation-date, modified-date, revision etc) to be available as automatic labels to be placed in the drawing (with selectable style, font etc)

This would greatly simplify the creatin of title sections in the drawing and making sure it is consistent with the actual drawing and not requiring manual “synchronization”.

1920QCAD (main)Feature RequestVery LowEdit > Application Preferences: Add preference to disab...Assigned
Task Description

See also:

1926QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowNo negative coordinate values ? (DO command)Assigned
1 Task Description

Just starting with QCAD, for some hours now - really excellent user interface (compared to other low budget CADs, like DCAD, or BeckerCAD...) !

Surprisingly, point coordinates - entered via the command line, and shown with correct positions on the drawing- are not displayed correctly with the ‘dimordinate’ (DO) command.
There are no negative values, even when the center point (0;0) is right in the middle of the drawing, so points left and below should have !


1928QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowOptionnally 'Auto clean up' after generation of NaN / N...Assigned
1 Task Description

Some functions / methods can generate some sort off entity or part with NaN / Null / Null-lenght ... props.
Some explicitly don’t and test their actions with isNull().

As these serve a purpose in some processes, trails of them can be part of the results.
For some users Null / Null-lenght are meaningfull, for other users these produce errors down the line.
In a few cases its a desirable feature eg. controlpoint spline.
(Allthough there are no Null props involved with equal successively controlpoints)

Many problem post on the forum are related to Null - Zero and so on.

In some cases it can’t be undone by re-editing the drawing.

If it can’t be undone by Undo/Redo it is a bug.

In some cases there is a difference noticed after file save-close-open.

1930QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowOption disable "Auto Zoom on load" for saved "Layout Vi...Assigned
Task Description


my setting for “Auto Zoom on load” is checked to on. That works perfect for me for most of my drawings.

But if I save a drawing with Layout Viewports then I have to adjust every Viewport again after loading.

Would it be possible to have an option below Application Preferences / Graphics View / Appearance / Auto Zoom on load / ON which excludes drawings saved with Layout Viewports?

1934QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowDiametric text - overlaidAssigned
Task Description

Diametric text is always placed above a horizontal measurement.

I often want to indicate both the inside and outside diameter of an object e.g. a wheel using diametric text. The text is overlaid and illegible.

To avoid text overlapping, I use Horizontal Aligned because I can control the position of the text to avoid illegible text.

A better method would be to alternate the placement of diametric text (alternatively) above and below a measurement so that in the majority of cases an overlap would be avoided.

Similarly for a vertical measurement, the text is overlaid and illegible.

When the angle is almost vertical, the angle controls the side the text appears however it also reverses the direction of the text (which is logical but not attractive).

Kind regards

1976QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowEnvelope at offset to a poly toolAssigned
1 Task Description


1977QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowCorresponding coordinate format Assigned
1 Task Description


It would be less confusing to read messages in the command line protocol if it would use the same coordinate separators like the settings below Application Preferences / General / Coordinate Format.

This example shows the “Absolute Cartesian Coordinate” but of course all corresponding format settings should be used within messages.

Absolute Cartesian Coordinate: Setting = semicolon (;) but the message will use division (/).

1982QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowmeasure DIN 1356Assigned
Task Description

To measure in the format DIN 1356 , Architect
It is hard work to do this manual input with meta characters.

1983QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowTrim All or Bulk Break outAssigned
4 Task Description

This is a trim method I am missing in Qcad.

20 years ago it existed in CadKey.
You had a bunch of lines or segments.
You defined a (new) line or segment as cutter.
‘Trim All’.
You pointed at the side of the cutter entity to trim all intersecting at that side.

Pritty the same as in this topic:

Only in rare cases I can use Husky’s workaround as pro.
It all depends on what else is in the clipping rectangle that is needed to trim all intended.
If of no use all single crossing entities have to be chosen one by one.


1999QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowViewport: Add additional properties for controlling dim...Assigned
3 Task Description

When working with multiple Viewports with different scale it could be very useful to have extra properties controlling how dimensions are rendered in the viewport:

E.g an extra “Dimension Scale” under “Scale” in the Viewport selection’s ‘Specific Properties’ section, could allow having the same size when printed.
This Dimension Scale would be multiplied on top of the Scale value, but only for Dimensions rendering.

Toggle button for hiding any dimensions in the Viewport. Maybe this should be controlled by being able to specify a Layer that should be hidden in this Viewport only, then I could select my Dimensions layer here.

The Viewport properties:

2018QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowLayer visibility setting per view/view-portAssigned
6 Task Description

In a medium complex drawing it’s often too much details to have all layers in a drawing visible at once. Also, it is of great importance to be able to have a single model to avoid duplication of work and risk inconsistency.

So i would like to create a number of views where each view has selected layers visible (that makes sense for the purpose of the view) and then assign the views to different layout blocks (using view-ports) in paper-space to be able to setup printing of several views on the same page/PDF

This also means that view-ports would have to be aware of what view they are displaying (if any besides the standard-view).
This will then make it possible for printouts of different views with selected layers visible (different for each view and view-port) and still have only one model. Today this is not possible.

As it is today the only limited workaround is to set the layers you want to display, print/PDF of that viewport on separate page, and then change it for the next page, and so on. The big drawback is that you cannot have two different views/view-ports on the same page with different layers visible. Also, for large drawing it is painful to have to do a lot of manual setup for each rendering of the complete drawing.

2034QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowPaint Properties to include modifying linetype scales w...Assigned
Task Description

Previous Feature Request #1285, dated 2015, incorporated in QCADPro 3.24. I regularly adjust linetype scales on hidden, centreline and phantom lines to achieve the best appearance on the drawing when printed. I note the Paint Properties feature copies all the attributes of the chosen line but does not copy the scale. I have to change the scale of each line, even after ‘painting’. This copying all Properties is something AutoCAD does. I know I could change the line to Hidden2 etc. and tick the ‘scale lines’ box in Drawing Properties but that is not always successful- copying properties is a quick and useful way of achieving the required result.
QCAD Pro 3.24 Windows10.

2037QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowSupport alternative angle referenceAssigned
Task Description

E.g. 0 degrees at the top, clock-wise for positive direction, alternative angle units.

2056QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowOption Duplicate layer (yy) inclusive all sub-layers.Assigned
Task Description

If I’ve to duplicate a layer with a bunch of sub-layer it’s a kind of a Sisyphus task to get it done.
Currently I have to duplicate each single layer. Then in an additional step I’ve to address each child layer to the proper parent layer.

Current lack:
Marked parent layer with all sub-layer / Duplicate Layer / only ONE layer will be duplicated.

With other words: If I have to duplicate a layer with 5 sub-layer it requires 11 steps to get a copy of that tree ... :-(

2057QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowMultiline toolAssigned
2 Task Description

Implement a multiline tool.

2060QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowDialog box for Layer StatusAssigned
1 Task Description

So far, layer status has only been implemented very rudimentarily.
I wish something like a dialog box in which you can choose for each layer status, which layers belong to it and which not.

2070QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowcropping imageAssigned
4 Task Description

It may be useful to insert the “image cropping” function both in top / bottom - right / left mode, and with polyline

2087QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowMore options for "Paste along Entity" [PE]Assigned
1 Task Description

“Paste” has already the options: To current layer, Overwrite layers, Overwrite blocks.

Would be a nice time saver to have the same options for “Paste along Entity” too.

2091QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowToggle redrawing of hatches Assigned
2 Task Description

Because modifying hatches have lag issues I’d like to propose a toggle that turns of the redrawing/rendering of the hatch. Especially while modifying the hatch.

The hatches always have a boundary that can be worked with right? So when we move or stretch the hatch we can still see the boundary and its handles to perform all the actions.

This could be a new view mode that turns of the view of the interior/pattern of the hatch but leave the boundary of the hatch.
Or the draft mode can be extended to include simplified hatches while modifying.

Also see the discussion

2107QCAD (main)Feature RequestVery LowAdd a button to the tool bar to allow for a quick backg...Assigned
1 Task Description

I find myself with reasonable regularity needing to change the background color between black and white. It would be much more efficient to have a toggle button on the ribbon to make this sort of instant (kind of like the “screen based line types” button works but make it for background color and just between black and white or let people define their dark and light themes and toggle the background between the two.

2127QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowSnap for predicted intersections while using "Restrict ...Assigned
2 Task Description

I would like to request a new kind of snap: a “Restricted Intersection” snap that appears at the point where an entity would intersect with a line drawn from Relative Zero that fulfills the current EL criteria. “Restricted Intersection” snaps would be similar to other Relative Zero-based snaps (like “Perpendicular” and “Tangential”), but would predict the point of the snap from the EL constraints instead of the characteristics of the entity being snapped to. Naturally a value of 0 for angle or length would result in that constraint being ignored.

Additional operational flexibility could be achieved by allowing the snap to exist regardless of whether EL is actually in use. To be useful this would probably require determining snap locations based on angle OR length as opposed to angle AND length.

Implementing this new snap would allow, for example, for easily drawing a line of unknown (but determinable) length at a specified angle between a given point and a given entity (see discussion here), with the “Restricted Intersection” snap ensuring that the endpoint of the new line forms an intersection with the entity in question. Currently the same goal can be achieved a couple of different ways, but they all involve at least two separate steps.

2161QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowMake Polyline from Selection (OC) configurable for simp...Assigned
1 Task Description

QCAD Professional
Win installer 32bit
Version: (
Internet: QCAD.org
Build Date: Dec 16 2020
Revision: e06f230
Qt Version: 5.13.2
Architecture: i386
Compiler: Unknown

Not related to OS, nor version.

The method Polyline from Segments (OC) can be configured for tolerance and simplification in the Options Toolbar.
The method Polyline from Selection (OG) has no UI or none showing.

OG retrieves a tolerance from QCAD.ini, what is initially not set:

    var tolerance = RSettings.getDoubleValue("PolylineFromSelection/Tolerance", 0.001);

The tolerance will be default = 0.001 similar as the default in AppPrefs.
The tolerance setting is included in QCAD.ini after changing the AppPrefs entry.

OG calls PolylineFromSelection.autoJoinSegments with this tolerance:

    var counter = PolylineFromSelection.autoJoinSegments(di, tolerance, this);

PolylineFromSelection.autoJoinSegments calls PolylineFromSegments.createPolylineShape
with simplification hard coded to true. (last parameter)

    // create polyline from line, arc, spline or open polyline entity:
    var polyline = PolylineFromSegments.createPolylineShape(
                    entity, doc, vTolerance, op, undefined,
                    traversed, callBacks, undefined, true);

I would like to see the simplification optional and default = true.


2182QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowSelect > Select PreviousAssigned
3 Task Description

Select the previously selected entities.

2189QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowVertically and/or diagonally stacked fractions option.Assigned
2 Task Description

The option for vertically and diagonally stacked fractions would be helpful for both the text creation tool and as the output of dimensions.

2191QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowExtend the functionality of the Reorder toolAssigned
3 Task Description

Add functions to the Reorder tool, similar to the functions of the counter tool, undo last step and start at any number, allowing corrections and restarting the tool part way through.

See the discussions at https://qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=8170

2192QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowAdd "Define angle using mouse cursor" to Move and Rotat...Assigned
2 Task Description

The “Define annge using mouse cursor” of the Rotate tool would be useful in the Move and Rotate Tool

2195QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowSaved views include memory of blockAssigned
1 Task Description

When saving a view, it would be great if the view also saved which block (model space, layout block, or any other block) that was active at the time the view was saved and when the view is later re-activated, the corresponding block would re-activate.

2226QCAD (main)Feature RequestVery LowmacOS: support proxy iconAssigned
Task Description

Support proxy icon in title bar. This can be used to move the file to another folder using drag and drop.

2227QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowCAM > CAM Export: post processor for tangential knife c...Assigned
Task Description

See also:

2229QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowProperty Editor, option format property values as decim...Assigned
Task Description

Angle Display is decimal although the decimal display is disabled in Application Preferences.

Format should be 17° 31’ 52” instead of 17.531111.

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