QCAD Bugtracker

QCAD - 2D CAD System.

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IDCategoryTask TypeSeveritySummaryStatusProgress  desc
681QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow'Plug-in' for Gear generatorAssigned
2 Task Description

Feature request for a ‘plug-in’ for generating different types of gears, like - Ring, Spur, Sprocket, Rack, etc... etc...
To produce 2D templates for all sorts of projects.

638QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowFeature request- text find/replace functionAssigned
2 Task Description

Feature request- text string find/replace

Scope: entire drawing/selected objects set/chosenlayer only


‘find’ with ‘zoom to’, first, next, previous, last

‘replace’ with ‘next’, ‘undo’, ‘all’

This functionality is very useful when using QCad for system diagrams and the like.

620QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowoption to have horizontal dimension info using vertical...Assigned
2 Task Description

Some times I need to have the dimension info using the Vertical Dimension tool displayed horizontally.
See attached image:
Possibly this option could be added to the Label drop down menu.

618QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowuser defined lineweightAssigned
2 Task Description

To have the option to set your own ‘user defined’ line weight.

598QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowSupport tangents between ellipsesAssigned
2 Task Description

To add support for drawing tangents between ellipses.

See topic:

579QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowCopy layers / blocksAssigned
2 Task Description

Duplicate (copy, clone) a layer with or without entities on it. New name can be specified by user.

516QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowTo add option to 'print only' selected area.Assigned
2 Task Description

To add the option to ‘print only’ selected area in a drawing.

502QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowPoints on line: enter distance instead of number of poi...Assigned
2 Task Description

Points on line: enter distance instead of number of points as a variant of the tool or as a new tool.

467QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowFeature request for new Arc tool option to add to Arc s...Assigned
2 Task Description

For and behalf of mandrena

To add another Arc tool option in Arc tools set:

1.Specify Start point for Arc.
2.Specify End point for Arc.
3.Specify “Tangent” direction (without being restricted in input field) so you can visually select a point on your desired Tangent line!

455QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowlogical operations for polylinesAssigned
2 Task Description

A missing feature in my work are logical operations (combine, intersect, ..) for polylines

Draw some elements, select them, say combine. The result will be the outline of all elements.

2547QCAD (main)Bug ReportVery LowBlock > Purge Unused Blocks > Removes _DatumFilled bloc...Assigned
1 Task Description


The _DatumFilled Block used by Datum entities (DT) is considered as not used and is purged by Purge Unused Blocks (BP).
There is no block association for these special types of arrowheads in QCAD.

After purging the Datums are not immediately updated but the special arrowheads will eventually disappear. Adding new Datums will not fix that.

Not problematic because the _DatumFilled Block is re-created on save/reload when Datum entities exists. Datums are updated.

Probably not OS or version related.
Related forum topic: https://www.qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?f=89&t=10694

Best solution would be to support different types of arrowheads and all related:
https://qcad.org/bugtracker/index.php?do=details&task_id=695 https://qcad.org/bugtracker/index.php?do=details&task_id=757 https://qcad.org/bugtracker/index.php?do=details&task_id=1157


2543QCAD (main)Bug ReportLowPolygonal Area Tool (IR) creates shapes persistently, c...Unconfirmed
1 Task Description

Upon activating the Polygonal Area Tool either by clicking on the toolbar or by the IR keyboard shortcut the tool will persistently draw a polygon without clicking anything. This happens with the mouse and the trackpad on the MacBook Pro. This was happening in 3.29.3, and then after I upgraded to 3.29.4. The MacOS version is 14.1 Sonoma.

2541QCAD (main)SuggestionVery LowConsider the unit "Microinch" to be non-metricAssigned
1 Task Description


One Microinch is equivalent to 25.4 nanometers and I don’t consider that to be metric.

RUnit.isMetric(this.getDocument().getUnit()) returns true for RS.Microinch or value 8.

Returns false for: RS::Inch ; RS::Foot ; RS::Mile ; RS::Mil ; RS::Yard
... and true for all the rest.

Also see last note in: https://www.qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=9506&p=38295

Not to be confused with RDocument::isMetric() because that returns the measurement system unless that is RS::UnknownMeasurement what is rather impossible with drawings created by QCAD.


2540QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowRetain original handle when Hatch properties are change...Assigned
1 Task Description


When we alter about any property of a Hatch entity it seems to be recreated with a newer/higher handle.
This doesn’t influence the drawing order in direct.
But already changing the drawing order of a Hatch it is recreated as a new entity.

It starts to matters in drawing order when there are multiple entities with the same drawing order and that after save/reload. Entities with the same drawing order then receive a new drawing order based on the original but sequentially increasing based on handle.

Because a Hatch is recreated with a newer/higher handle each time a property changes it will thus always end up above the others with the same order even when the original was created earlier.

This is more pronounced when copying/pasting entities from a source to a target drawing.
The original Hatch drawing order is retained but it will always be above existent entities with the same drawing order in the target drawing after save/reload.

Most other entities are probably just updated in situ.
It is unsure to me at this point if merely updating a Hatch is even possible.
And perhaps this is related to the addObject ForceNew flag what is false by default.


2539QCAD (main)Bug ReportVery Low(Relative) Polar feet + surveyor notation fails.Assigned
1 Task Description


A user essentially pointed out to an ACAD textbook example.
Step 3 of: https://autodesk.blogs.com/between_the_lines/2012/07/drawing-with-surveyors-units-in-autocad.html

Please refer to this topic:


2538QCAD (main)Bug ReportVery LowWeight 2.11 French translation typoAssigned
1 Task Description


When switched to French I detected a typo in the drop down box for Lineweight.

Weight 2.11mm is listed as 1.58mm {2.11m?}
Also see attached image file.

May I ask why only ISO types have a comma instead of a point in French.
The use of a comma is uncommon in the Property Editor even when that is the native decimal separator.
I also detect an extra space between the value and ‘mm’ and that only for the ISO types.

This only occurs in:
https://github.com/qcad/qcad/blob/master/ts/qcadcore_fr.ts https://github.com/qcad/qcad/blob/master/ts/qcadcore_pl.ts https://github.com/qcad/qcad/blob/master/ts/qcadcore_pt.ts

Probably not OS or QCAD version related.


2507QCAD/CAMFeature RequestLowAdd Toolpath from LayerAssigned
1 Task Description

I’ve been able to make this work as proof of concept very easily, but many of the functions are inaccessible/difficult to override from post-processors.

Desired functionality:

1) Enable “Add Profile Toolpath” UI elements all the time (remove setRequiresSelection)
2) CAM Profile Toolpath Dialog: Drop-down menu of available Layers. First option “By Selection Only” 3) “By Selection Only” continues to pass EntityIds of selected objects (existing functionality)
4) Choosing an active Layer will use the Layer as source of EntityIds
5) Any changes to Entities on a Layer will result in those new/removed/changed objects being re-generated without having to manually select and update the tool paths. Either do not recover list of EntityIds from the ToolpathBlock, and instead use “live” each time it’s regenerated, or additional functionality to determine if a LayerId is associated with the Toolpath, and then lookup EntityIds.

I assume the persistence of the Layer selection would be available within the Toolpath, so that it will automatically update EntityIds every time a Toolpath is regenerated, without having to select Entities and updating the toolpath manually.

For large projects, being able to force select objects based upon layer dramatically reduces mistakes and speeds up the workflow.


2505QCAD (main)Feature RequestVery LowInfo > Polygonal Area > Use dimension decimal format fo...Assigned
1 Task Description

On behalf of user Kmeelo

Polygonal Area adds measurements text with 12 decimal digits and then as short as possible.

Current formatting path see: https://www.qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=10450&p=42833#p42805

Related forum feature request: https://www.qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=10458

I also see a misconception of the term ‘precision’.
Numbers precision is the amount of significant digits disregarding the position of the decimal point.
12 decimal digits is about the largest precision for numbers with 5 integer digits.


2501QCAD (main)Feature RequestVery LowAdd spelling checker / spell checker for all text boxesAssigned
1 Task Description

Suggestion to add spelling checker / spell checker for all text boxes

2497QCAD (main)Bug ReportVery LowDraw > Circle > 3 Tangents (CT3) fails in some cases wi...Assigned
1 Task Description


See attachment with example:

Solution included on layer ‘Solution’.


2495ECMAScriptBug ReportVery LowRLine.isParallel(RLine) may return true for certain non...Assigned
1 Task Description


It took me a while to find the source of a certain freak bug I encountered.
I used the RLine.isParallel(RLine) as a test for knowing if line segments were parallel or not.

Included below is script code that mimics the functionally of isParallel().

As far as I know isParallel() is nowhere used in the QCAD open source.
Textual only found in RLine.cpp & .h or under: opennurbs, ecmaapi\generated and ecmagenerator\src.

// Example:
// RShape1: RLine(RShape(address: "0xcd70e28"), startPoint: "RVector(969.219858, -171.914894, 0.000000, 1)", endPoint: "RVector(1010.000000, -140.000000, 0.000000, 1)")
// RShape2: RLine(RShape(address: "0x7659770"), startPoint: "RVector(969.219858, -171.914894, 0.000000, 1)", endPoint: "RVector(930.000000, -340.000000, 0.000000, 1)")
var aShape1Angle = shape1.getAngle();    // =0.6640461628266838 rad
var aShape2Angle = shape2.getAngle();    // =4.483157047107694 rad
// RLine::isParallel(RLine) -> aTest1 || aTest2
var aTest1 = RMath.isSameDirection(aShape1Angle, aShape2Angle);              // =false
var aTest2 = RMath.isSameDirection(aShape1Angle, aShape2Angle + Math.PI);    // =true
var aTestOr = aTest1 || aTest2;                                              // =>TRUE !?
// # BUG # RShape1 is considered as parallel with RShape2
// RMath::isSameDirection(dir1, dir2, tol) ... tol = RS.AngleTolerance = 1e-9
// for aTest1 -> ax1Test1 || ax1Test2
var ax1Dif = Math.abs(aShape1Angle - aShape2Angle);    // =3.8191108842810104 rad
var ax1Test1 = ax1Dif < 1e-9;                          // =false
var ax1Test2 = ax1Dif > 2*Math.PI - 1e-9;              // =false
var ax1TestOr = ax1Test1 || ax1Test2;                  // =>FALSE
// for aTest2 -> ax2Test1 || ax2Test2
var ax2Dif = Math.abs(aShape1Angle - (aShape2Angle + Math.PI));    // =6.9607035378708035 rad
var ax2Test1 = ax2Dif < 1e-9;                                      // =false
var ax2Test2 = ax2Dif > 2*Math.PI - 1e-9;                          // =true
var ax1TestOr = ax1Test1 || ax1Test2;                              // =>TRUE
// # BUG # The second test of the second isSameDirection() test returns true because ax2Dif is over 2pi


2482QCAD (main)Bug ReportLowRShape::getIntersectionPointsCC still failing for touch...Assigned
1 Task Description


Referring to this forum post:

With radii 1341.35667735 and 26 the relative tolerance is 0.00683678 and exceeds the former used fixed tolerance of 1e-4.

These arcs will then be considered to be tangent and the intersection point is 0.31024 units to the left of where we expect it.

Implemented: https://github.com/qcad/qcad/commit/77ae3e4518cc34f178779d2d2c724adcf80c229d#diff-dcc4e31eaeaed5a047f65dbce4ddda4bcd4d604e9e1005ee8481ded273768449

Updated: https://github.com/qcad/qcad/commit/071b60acd1176e6301bf6b6fcf716684221a97e8#diff-dcc4e31eaeaed5a047f65dbce4ddda4bcd4d604e9e1005ee8481ded273768449

I had already expressed my reserves on the relative tolerance but that was already a better solution for small arcs:

We could limit the tolerance by:
A- The smallest of the fixed and the relative.
B- A relative tolerance based on R2 there circle 1 is forced to be the larger one.

This will never account for the position in the plane.
At a certain point the tolerance will be less than the accuracy/certainty of the values.


2478QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowMake RMathLineEdit unit awareAssigned
1 Task Description


Related topic: https://www.qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=10094

When entering 1’ 1’‘ in an input field.
- As the size of the rectangle in the topic
- As the length property of a line selected in the drawing
- ....

Returns 13 in a drawing in mm.
And also in a drawing in inch what turns out to be correct.
But also in a drawing in foot.

Similar, entering 1’ with a drawing in kilometers it returns 12 units = 12 kilometers.


2453QCAD (main)Bug ReportLowControl point Splines - Issue with Closed & Minimal poi...Assigned
1 Task Description

For more detailed description please refer to:

In the included screen grab below, left is when drawn cubic, closed periodic, from 4 points.
Right is when the file is re-loaded.

It is hard to select the incorrect shape when pointing near it ... Probably it is referring to the correct internal shape.
After drawing it explodes to a Null length polyline with 2 identical vertices.

I can’t include the error in a file as it reverts on re-load.

The same issue exist for quadratic, closed periodic, from 3 points.


2452QCAD (main)Feature RequestVery LowKeyboard Shortcut for Undo Last Point While Drawing Spl...Assigned
1 Task Description

Instead of having to click on the toolbar, it would be useful to have a keyboard shortcut for undoing the last fit point (or control point) while drawing splines. Preferably it would also be nice to allow the user the ability to set what the keyboard shortcut is for this function.

2448QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowScale lineweight display on model spaceAssigned
1 Task Description

Currently, the model space can display lineweights at scale 1:1
It’s very convenient when drawing small objects that will be printed at scale 1:1 : it makes it easy to anticipate the final aspect of the printed drawing.
But this feature is unusable for architects or users who draw large objects.

Therefore, it would be very useful to have a factor to multiply lineweight display in model space.
For example : if i know my drawing will probably be printed at scale 1:50, i set the value of the lineweight factor to 50.
Then every line would be displayed 50x thicker in model space.

2446QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowExtending dimension line beyond extension line when usi...Assigned
1 Task Description

I would like the ability to extend dimension lines beyond the extension line when using tick marks. Images are attached and posted here: https://qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=9785

2440QCAD (main)Bug ReportVery LowHatch from Segments > False positives open loop warning...Assigned
1 Task Description


Most probably not related to OS or QCAD version.

When hatching an area with Hatch from Segments (HS) there might be false positive warnings on open loops.
It seems that this is related to the orientation of the indicated segments and the order of selection.
The real problematic position is not always the first that is reported.
Loop count is increased even if it is a single loop.

Included a basic test drawing to replicate these.
Further details to replicate the issue are in the file.


2436QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowDraw > Hatch > Hatch from Segments: mark position of op...Assigned
1 Task Description

Case description: “Hatch from Segments” (HS) detects correctly an open loop but fails then to set the circle marker for an easy visuelle identification.

Same scenario tested with “Hatch from Selection” (HA) ...
... everything works like a charm ;-)

2428QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowImplement reversing Leader entities on creation or afte...Assigned
1 Task Description


Usually I point to something to start with.
Sometimes I want to point away from here but then the arrow is where I just clicked.

An option on creation would be nice.
The capability to reverse the Leader orientation afterwards is another method to get it pointing the intended way.

A Leader entity is stored similar as a polyline.
I think it would not be difficult to reverse the basic polyline and update the dimension shape accordingly.


2421QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowMake the preview of Shorten (LE) more visibleAssigned
1 Task Description


When we use Lengthen/Shorten (LE) with a positive amount the result is clearly visible when indicating a side of an entity.
With a negative amount there is seemingly no preview.
It is generated and shown but one can not distinguish it especially with solid lines.

Adding an orthogonal auxiliary preview shape some N pixels long would do the trick. ;-)


2416QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowAutomatically set a proper alternating row color for th...Assigned
1 Task Description


When switching from Default to Dark mode the text on alternating rows is hardly visible.
We can customize this color.

It would be easier if a proper default color is set on switching to and back.

Perhaps the user preferences can be remembered.
Perhaps only when the contrast would be affected.


2415QCAD (main)Bug ReportVery LowIssues with OffsetBothSidesAssigned
1 Task Description


I can’t find any documentation concerning OffsetBothSides under Misc .. Modify.
It is not listed in the QCAD features nor in the changelog.

There was a Feature Request FS#1130 for this, I think you might want to close that as being implemented.

The tool asks for a Line, Arc, Circle, Ellipse, Spline or Polyline.
It also seems to act on shapes that can be exploded to such entities like Text, Dimension and Hatch entities.

There may be many ‘Result loop not closed’ or ‘No offsets possible’ warnings when hovering over entities on a drawing.
The preview may be partially, one or two sided and even two sided partially and closed with semi-circles.

I only successfully created a dual offset for open Splines, open or logically open Polylines.
All other attempts result in a single offset at the indicated side.

There are the usual exceptions for Polylines with arc-segments but that is related to small arc segments and being tangentially connected.
Only tested it on a Win7 platform.
I don’t suspect that version 3.27.8 includes a fix for that ... ;-)


2397QCAD (main)Bug ReportLowPost processor "LaserGBRL (offset) [mm] fails at tabsAssigned
1 Task Description

Post processor “LaserGBRL (offset) [mm] fails to turn off/on (M5, M4) at Tabs.

Forum topic:

2390QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowPlease add U.S. Survey Feet to the Unit / convert listAssigned
1 Task Description

Yes I’m aware that the U.S. survey foot has to be discontinuing December, 31, 22. However - as we’ve learned in the past it takes decades until a unit will disappears for good. ;-)

See also:


2374QCAD/CAMFeature RequestLowAdd Spindle Speed to Toolpath DialogAssigned
1 Task Description

When editing an existing toolpath to update the parameters of the selected tool, we can update the Feed Rate and the Plunge Rate, but I couldn’t find any way to update the Spindle Speed.

Even when using the Edit Tool KE button, we can edit parameters of the tool on concern but none of the modification is applied to the current Toolpath because as I see, tools parameters are copied fron tools definitions to a Toolpath only at creation of this Toolpath, but Toolpath are not updated accordingly.

Could you please add an edit field for Spindle Speed in the CAM Profile Toolpath window?

Many thanks’, and best regards.

2371QCAD (main)SuggestionLowInclude more properties for polylines in the Selection ...Assigned
1 Task Description


Not OS or Version depending.

We can’t filter on some specific properties of polylines.

Handy would be:
- Global Width
- Orientation

- Polyline Pattern
But I don’t really search for them ... For some post-op I just need them all to be set to ‘No’.
- # of vertices
Filtering the complex from the more simple ones.
- Including Bulges or not
To seperate polylines with arc segments form others.
There some operations that don’t really work with bulging.
- Z values and/or global Z
This would make sense for some but filtering on Z is not common under QCAD as it is 2D.


2370QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowRetain global width / segment widths when reversing pol...Assigned
1 Task Description


Changing orientation of a polyline with RV or by changing it in the Property Editor clears the global width value.

Single line pieces as polyline default to CCW.
Still the global width is cleared when trying to set them CW.

I didn’t update since 3.27.0 but reading this topic I suppose it still is valid.
Related: https://www.qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?f=89&t=9362


2351QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowFile Thumbnail PreviewAssigned
1 Task Description

Could we please implement the ability to display file contents in the file explorer. This would make it easier to decide which files to open.

2347QCAD (main)Bug ReportLowModify / Clip to rectangle issueAssigned
1 Task Description

The tool “Clip to rectangle” / “Cut at Area Boundary” tool used on an area with lines and arcs will partly complete arcs to circles.

2341QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowmanage image referencesAssigned
1 Task Description

QCAD. ver. (3.27.1)
Qt version: 5.13.2
Architecture: x86_64
OS Windows 11

It might be useful to have the possibility to manage the references of the images contained within the drawing. A design could use recurring images, stored in a folder outside the one in which the design is located. Moving the drawing or folders (or changing the PC) will lose the folder references and the images are not displayed when the drawing is opened again.
I imagine the possibility to view the references of the images (and if necessary modify manually or with a pointer) with the option of: attach, detach, reload, etc., as in the example below (referred to ActCad - based on Intellicad technology)

2338QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowShow non-QCAD custom XDATA optionallyAssigned
1 Task Description

QCAD (before version 3.27?) used to show some custom XDATA, e.g. tag 1000, even for application names that are not “QCAD”, which for me was useful, so it’s somewhat of a regression. (I think it was broken when selecting multiple items, maybe that’s why it was removed.)

I suggest to bring that feature back, but maybe show it only when a single element is selected if that’s easier.

(As a workaround/hack I guess it would be possible to rewrite the required information as QCAD compatible XDATA externally I guess.)

2316QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowModify > Detect Duplicates: implement for infinite line...Assigned
1 Task Description

Headline should already explain the issue ... ;-)

2302QCAD (main)Bug ReportVery Lowpolygon.getSelfIntersectionPoints(tol) returns 3th inva...Assigned
1 Task Description

Windows 7 pro 32 bit msi-Installer
Version: (
Internet: QCAD.org
Build Date: Jul 20 2021
Revision: e596276
Qt Version: 5.13.2
Architecture: i386
Compiler: Unknown


In the attached dxf:
Besides that it is clear that duplicate vectors are not filtered ...
Where a segment is crossing in another node a non valid node is returned as self-intersection point.
Seems to be unrelated to CW/CCW or tolerance.

Where 2 nodes coexists 4 duplicate vectors are returned.


2301QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowRotate preview on/offAssigned
1 Task Description


I believe prior QCAD version there was no rotating preview. The rotating preview shows the outcome regarding to the chosen center point. I know that it is also common for move/copy. However, for me it is very confusing and difficult to chose the correct center point for a rotation if I’m constantly been distracted by the most of the time overlapping preview of my selection. This said if the drawing is very detailed I have to zoom in extremely to be able to snap to the right entity. That wouldn’t be necessary without the preview. Additional rotate a large drawing selections will compromise the performance - CPU is going like crazy.

It would be nice to have an option to turn this preview on/off.

2293QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowinsert attributes into a point elementAssigned
1 Task Description

Would it be possible to extend the tool for importing points with a label so that when importing points into the drawing (as it is now), the attributes of the point are taken from the csv file and written to the point’s own properties? See attachment. This would extend the functionality of the tool and I assume that it would also lay the foundation for the possible re-export of such points from the drawing to a csv file, including all the details.

2284QCAD (main)Bug ReportLowZooming in & out causes grid/snap scale value change in...Assigned
1 Task Description

I have set the grid/snap value to X=.0625 Y=.0625 on all 4 viewports.
When zooming in and out the grid/snap scale changes from .0625 to 3.90625. at this point the grid/snap points differ,
This causes a variation in the grid/snap reference points lending to drawing errors.

When I use the grid settings defaults .01, when zooming in and out, the grid/snap scaling doesn’t seem to have this issue.
Other values do, See below.

set value first zoom second zoom next zoom

	point		point		point ...	

0.01 0.1 1.0 10.0 ...
0.02 0.04 0.4 4.0 ...
0.04 0.16 1.6 16.0 ...
0.05 0.25 2.5 25.0 ...
0.0625 0.390625 3.90625 39.0625 ...
0.0254 0.64516 6.4516 64.516 ...

Why is there a squaring of the original set value? Which then becomes a new zoomed grid/snap value?

QCAD Professional
Version: (3.26.4)
Internet: QCAD.org
Build Date: Jun 3 2021
Revision: 0bb4334
Qt Version: 5.13.2
Architecture: i386
Compiler: Unknown

2282QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowAdd a "Save As" command while editing blocks in placeAssigned
1 Task Description

As a heavy mechanical drawings user, it would help a lot to have an option to exit a block saving as a new name and making it a new entity from that time ahead.

Example: if a have a lot of screws, one of then is behind another peace and need the to have some lines changed to hidden style lines, in the flow of the work is great if I edit that screw in place and when exiting have the option to save as a new block, to don’t mess with other entities of the same block that I don’t want to change. Yes, there is a workaround that is duplicate and rename the block prior to the editing, but a save as seems to work easier.

Thanks Andrew and team!

2264QCAD (main)Bug ReportLowHatching segment selection stops at entity - hatch patt...Assigned
1 Task Description

QCAD Professional
Windows7 pro WinInstaller
Version: (
Internet: QCAD.org
Build Date: Jul 20 2021
Revision: e596276
Qt Version: 5.13.2
Architecture: i386
Compiler: Unknown

In the example given by ‘turtle’ .. why_is_this_not_closed-v2.dxf

Selecting hatch boundary segments of the horizontal polyline segment at

Segment selection stops where the AR-CONC hatch pattern touches the horizontal segment.
Such intersections points where already no longer regarded as snappoints.
See :
 FS#2090 : https://www.qcad.org/bugtracker/index.php?do=details&task_id=2090.
Related topic https://www.qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?&t=7340&p=28414#p28414


2248QCAD (main)Bug ReportVery LowThemes: east and west dock widget tabs facing the wrong...Assigned
1 Task Description

Hi Andrew

In QcadCAM when using the new Themes or User Created Themes the Layer and Block Tabs Appear to be reversed in East and West Positions.
I have discussed this with forum user PeteVick and he cannot reproduce this behavior in Qcad Pro... he suggested submitting this bug report.
I didn’t notice this until he pointed it out and don’t expect it to be high on your list of things to do..

Best Regards
John Hyslop
PS We are both using Linux Mint 20.1 (64bit) which is based on Ubuntu

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