QCAD Bugtracker

QCAD - 2D CAD System.

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IDCategoryTask Type  descSeveritySummaryStatusProgress
693QCAD (main)Feature RequestMediumSupport for external references (XREF)Likely to be implemented
28 Task Description

Support for external references (XREF)

 1164 QCAD (main)Feature RequestMedium make selected layer default parent for new layer Closed
1 Task Description


I would like to suggest a small, but yet important improvement to usabilty.

When adding a new layer the currently selected layer should be default for parent layer.

Currently a new layer is by default a top level layer, and so the user has to select the parent layer for each sub-layer, again and again.


 1821 QCAD (main)Feature RequestMedium Export svg with linetype parameter Closed
Task Description


as I saw in the svg file and tried it, the ‘stroke-dasharray’ parameter needed (with values) to show the line same as in the editor.


      <!-- Line -->
      <path d="M207452.1773,1518891.8208 L203034.0991,1518891.8208 " style="stroke:#808000;stroke-dasharray:200,300;stroke-width:25;" qs:layer="layer"/>



 1848 QCAD/CAMFeature RequestMedium PWM Laser Closed
Task Description

Hi Andrew,

I have added a PWM Laser post processor.

You can add it to QCAD’s post processor directory

 2 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow PDF Export Closed
Task Description

Add PDF export from print preview.

 3 BookFeature RequestLow Automatically generate images for "CAD Introduction" Closed
Task Description

QCAD introduction Book

  • automatically generate screen shots of book in desired language
  • don’t use absolute paths in URLs
  • SVN:set up a new version for QCAD3
    1. start dialog → PNG
    2. set PNG resolution
    3. set PNG non-alpha-channel format
  • languages en/de/es/fr
  • script: $ generate_book_images.sh [en|de|es|fr]
  • Try to switch on / off antialiasing to render text / circles (whichever prints better):

User Reference Manual


  • paste/doc/description.html:
			The paste command inserts
			the entities previously copied to the
			clipboard. Paste is
  • ReferenceManual.js:
    • insert description HTML file under section “description”
    • save HTML files in right folder → paste/doc/Paste_de.xhtml
    • merge all HTML files to a reference manual
      • /home/martin/workspace/rsframework/support/doc/manual/qcad_user_manual.qhp
  • Iterate through all actions:
var actions = RGuiAction.getActions()
  • generate high-res PNG for every SVG tool icon:
BiLibrary.createAndSaveButton(iconSvgFile, pngFile);
  • generate some basic HTML for every tool:
<b>Menu:</b> [Top menu] - [Menu entry]
<b>Hotkey:</b> [two letter code or hotkey]
 11 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow File: SVG Export Closed
Task Description


  • ExporterPG (preserve geometry)
    • Texts are exported as text tags, with ‘similar’ font
  • text
    • other formatting
      • exporter for presentation (based on paths): implemented
      • ExporterPG: TODO


  • Global Preferences:
    • Number of generated segments for ellipses [postponed]
      • Problem: exported SVG files can be very large under certain circumstances
  • ExporterPG
    • Export layer information if possible / maybe group by layer [postponed]


  • hatches
    • solid fill
    • pattern
  • text
    • line breaks
      • ExporterPG: Since line spacing is rendered differently in SVG, the used text space might be different, too.
    • position broken for some texts
 12 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow File Export Formats Closed
Task Description



  • SQL
  • DGN
  • Google SketchUp
  • Canonical representation of DXF that would allow for meaningful diffs
  • XML representation of DXF

Not Planned

  • EMF/WMF (use SVG instead or use SVG to EMF converter)


  • SVG
  • PDF
 19 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Drawing recovery in case file saving fails Closed
Task Description
  1. before save: copy existing file (drawing.dxf) to temporary file, e.g. “drawing.bak”
  2. save()
    • no crash → remove recovery file
    • crash → file has size of 0 byte now
      1. restore recovery files on next start
for each file in recent files
  if file size == 0
    rename temporary file to actual file name
 21 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Add line weight scale factor Closed
1 Task Description

Required for extreme units such as Nanometers or Kilometers. See also FS#20

 24 WebsiteFeature RequestLow Website Tasks Closed
Task Description



  • announce in forum
  • make developer’s corner, links to
    • RSFrameworkAPI Documentation
    • QCAD 3 Code Snippets ECMAScript (Google Docs)
    • QCAD 3 Developer Notes (Google Docs)
    • QCAD 3 Forum
  • change copyright year (still 2010)


  • update QCAD site


  • mark version 3 TP1 as current version



  • add new forum category
 27 TestsFeature RequestLow Dimension Tests Closed
Task Description
  • add test for all kind of dimensions
 55 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Testing Dashboard new tests, improvements Closed
Task Description

New Tests

  • [done] modification tools
  • [skipped, see below] insert image tool
  • other tools that are not tested yet


  • [done] add option: exclude this test from “play all”
  • add progress bar for play all tests

Stuff that couldn't be tested

  • SplitIntoEqualParts: apply tool is not done with the close button as in other tools but with a separate button (close means cancel here). if the slot “slotSplit” from the current action can be called programmatically somehow, the test can be fixed with a that code.
  • ZeroLengthDetection: ditto
  • Image: needs native file dialog to get image file name
 69 TestsFeature RequestLow example file generator Closed
Task Description

example file generator: adjust the print settings automatically, so the example file can be immediately printed to the chosen paper format / orientation without having to adjust the scale / offset

 86 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Block arrays Closed
Task Description

Support arrays of block inserts.

 91 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow linux start shell script enhancement Closed
Task Description

The script in the application directory only works when called from within this directory like that “./qcad”. I suggest below alternative, that can be called from any place, as above and also with an absolute path, eg “/opt/qcad-3.0.0-tp1-prof-linux/qcad”:


LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${DIR} ${DIR}/qcad-bin $@

Can only post anonymously, Peter

 95 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Part Library: RDF Closed
Task Description

Allow for multiple authors of one item.

This can be achieved by replacing the rs:author attribute of tag rdf:Description with:

    "John Doe"
    "Jane Doe"
 96 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow SVG Import Closed
Task Description

Complete SvgImporter.js and SvgImport.js

  1. Implement SvgImporter.prototype.importFile to import the SVG file with the given fileName. Reading only all path data without any attributes or transformations is fine as a first step. SvgImporter.prototype.importFile() currently imports one hard coded path data as proof of concept.
  2. Implement SvgImport.prototype.beginEvent() to show a file open dialog that lets the user choose an SVG file to import.
  3. Support SVG as file format for part library items through SvgImporter

This should be enough to import any SVG file in library/symbols

 103 ECMAScriptFeature RequestLow Runtime reload script Closed
Task Description

As of TP1, a script once loaded into the runtime, does reflect changes to the file it was loaded from only after a restart of the whole of QCAD. This adds a considerable time overhead to developing scripts. Therefore I want to suggest a reload mechanism, that works kind of like the one known from a web browser.

As there is no clear separation between users custom scripts and ribbonsoft supplied scripts, checking the modification time for every access to any script might prove a performance hit.

Possibly a user script can be written, to invalidate another certain script and have the runtime reload it from file? I could add that to my menu.

Or as some magic, that can be written to “MyAction.init()”?

 108 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Library Browser keywords, tags, improvments Closed
Task Description

Sample RDF File

<!-- copyright 2010 by RibbonSoft GmbH -->
  "Public Domain"
        "MTB 327"



  • To discuss: Save the license as tag instead of a special field. Pure tag searching is awesome fast. The more special cases that have to be handled different, the slower the search. License tags are quite unique. If something is tagged with “GNU”, it is very likely that the license is meant (expect for the animal named gnu). Same for BSD, Public Domain and CC licenses.


  • Mark (gray out) tags that are not available anymore due to the already chosen tags.
  • Handle double click / rename
    • if a RDF is present, change the item title
    • if no RDF is present, add a new RDF and set the the title there
  • Edit Meta Data dialog
    • add title (both dialog and newly created RDF files)
  • Stemmer: Stemming is usually done at the indexing stage.
    • additional field in table keywords (type: 0=word, 1=stem)
    • don’t show stems in completer and tags lists
  • Provide “radio button” tags, e.g. “license” or “modification time” cannot have more than one selection.
  • rebuild (clear) library browser DB on start if language was changed
  • Provide meta information for directories
    • The idea: One can have a directory and assign the author “Donald”. Every item in this directory will have assigned the author “Donald” automatically.
    • This is all RDF based, not editable by the user other than by editing the RDF file.
    • Problems
      • How can that be shown to the user? E.g. someone tags a directory called “architecture” by mistake with “mechanical”. Every item in this directory will now be found for “mechanical”, and will confuse the user.
        • → not shown to the user
      • Author and license could be overridden (if wanted) be setting them in a item. But what about tags? Tags actually just can be added, not replaced. It that comprehensible for the user?
        • → tags that are set on the directory level apply to all items in that directory
    • Stored in a directory named “_META”.
    • Inside “_META”, there’s the RDF file called “meta.rdf”.
    • Let’s keep this simple:
      • When an item’s RDF is parsed, the RDF of the directory is parsed first, then that data is replaced / extended by the item’s RDF. This way we only have to change things in one place (RDF parsing). DB, queries, etc. remain the same.
  • the quick info (shown on item mouse over) should show additional information
    • the license
    • the author
  • GUI changes according to the attached file
    • every tab should have its own list view (based on RListView) / model / splitter
    • RListView, LibraryBrowserView: use signal / slots mechanism instead of inheritance

Automatic Translation


  • RDF: add title
    • add item title and use it instead of the file name (avoids “bear01”)
  • add item locale
  • add authors as tag
  • add license as tag
  • perspectives (top, side, front)
  • make it possible to easily combine common tags, e.g. “DIN-912”, “top viewing direction”, “high level of details”
    • Tags are searched with exact match (in opposite to the “normal” keyword search, which is “*keyword*”).
    • Drawings have additional tags to match this exact search, e.g. a drawing with the tag “DIN-912” has also the tag “DIN” assigned. These additional tags are made programmatically while parsing the RDF.
    • [old] This could be achieved by defining some standardized tags with a special meaning, e.g. viewing direction “view:top”, “view:front”, “view:side”; level of detail “lod:low”, “lod:medium”, “lod:high”. The user interface could show these special tags as filters for the current view or search view.
    • see also http://www.chefkoch.de/rezepte/ for an interesting approach to the problem


  • favorites (saved in .ini file as list of paths)

Table "keyword"

id	        INTEGER	
text	        VARCHAR	
locale_id       INTEGER

Table "locale"

id	        INTEGER
text	        VARCHAR
  • “locale independent”, always included in search

Filename based Keywords

  • filter filename
    • replace ‘_’ with " "
    • replace ‘-’ with " " leave “-”
    • replace numbers [0-9] with “”
 111 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Switch for line width display Closed
Task Description

Switch on / off line width display (display mode between normal and draft)

 116 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Show polyline area in property editor Closed
2 Task Description

Show area of closed polyline, hatch, solid fill in property editor.

 124 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow White lines in SVG Closed
Task Description

In DXF world, as far as I know, colour 7 - white - is magic, in that it shows white in model space on a black background, possibly also black on a light background, and commonly black in paper space irrespectively of background colour. In my opinion, SVG should be considered paper space.

I propose, that white entities get rendered black in SVG files exported from QCAD. What do you think?

 126 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Snap to reference points of arcs Closed
Task Description

Snap to reference points does not work for arc entities as one would expect.
The four points on the arc at angles 0,90,180,270 should be reference points (like for circles).

 127 WebsiteFeature RequestLow QCAD scripts development Closed
Task Description

The QCAD scripts, that contain a great deal of functionality in the QCAD framework, are so to say open source, in the limited, still powerful, sense that they can be read, inspected and single-handedly adapted to local needs. Wouldn’t it make sense to store these in a public source code repository?

So to allow closer tracking of development, eg. Of course, all of the scripts would then have to know which release of the /kernel/ they require as a support. But that should be a good thing anyways, as soon as a community of framework users arises, wasn’t it?

 128 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Export to PNG Closed
Task Description

QCAD 3 TP1 cannot export to PNG (or any other bitmap format). QCAD 2 lets set width and height in pixels of the file to be created. The drawing is then scaled proportionally to fit that. Leaving the height value empty will crash QCAD 2. QCAD 2 will also pad the image with an unspecified value that gets (both absolutely and relatively) smaller when the size increases…

QCAD 2 interface is simple and should meet most users needs. It would be nice to calculate the missing value, if only width or height is set. Some padding might be necessary only when antialiasing is done on export.

Setting scale and DPI instead would require more thinking on users side…

 130 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Measuring tools Closed
Task Description

Implement measurement (info) tools (see QCAD 2)

 143 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Limit number of entities / shapes in previews Closed
Task Description

Limit preview shapes / entities by user configurable number

 145 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Explode blocks Closed
Task Description

Explode blocks

 154 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Image: move reference points to scale Closed
Task Description

Image: move reference points to scale

173QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowexplode text to lettersAssigned
1 Task Description


 174 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow edit block from insert Closed
Task Description


 176 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Demo Version Closed
Task Description
  • Save drawings on exit
  • 10min time limit
  • markers in
    • PDF export
    • BMP export
    • SVG export
    • printing
 189 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Grid settings Closed
Task Description

Make grid configurable.
Switch on / off grid visibility.

 197 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow The Status Bar cannot be toggled on/off. Closed
Task Description

I’ve looked high and low and cannot find how the the Status Bar is toggled on/off as in QCAD2

 205 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Linux: fix gcc dependencies Closed
Task Description

qcad-trial-bin requires gcc-4.4.4, but I have gcc-4.4.5, so QCAD fails to start.

QCAD should require major GCC versions (gcc-4.4.x), and not revisions.

 206 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Measuring tools: output in fractions Closed
Task Description

Support output of results in fractions for imperial units.

 207 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow command line: shortcut for activation Closed
Task Description

Unable to use space bar to focus on command line to type in commands etc as in Version 2. Need to click in the command line first in order to do so - much easier to use press space bar!

208QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowSVG export: support custom line weightsAssigned
Task Description

Find way to support custom line weights for SVG export. See also forum thread: http://www.ribbonsoft.com/rsforum/viewtopic.php?t=1594

 213 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Edit Block from reference, how get back to the original ...Closed
Task Description

It might be an oversight from my side, but when I do Edit Block from reference, I don’t see how I can go back to the original drawing.

 221 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow autocad dwg compatibility Closed
Task Description

DWG files created with QCAD display really fine now in autocad. There are only two minor issues for ACAD users:

1) ACAD complains, that they were not created with a licensed application. One may not be able to work around that one...

2) ACAD complains, that the file does not specify a codepage. For this one, there should be a way around, shouldn’t it?

I am very happy with the compatibility in the new QCAD. Thank you very much for all the efforts that went into it!


 225 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Allow fraction notation for number input / display Closed
Task Description

Allow users to enter numeric values as fractions in the format ‘number numerator/denominator’, for example ‘7 3/4’.

Values might also be represented that way in the property editor and in other places of the user interface if desired by the user.

228QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowInsert current date (and other fields)Assigned
9 Task Description

Insert field into drawing that displays current date, file name, ...

 230 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Scroll bars optional Closed
Task Description

Provide option to hide scroll bars.

 231 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Disable grid snap for auto snapping Closed
2 Task Description

Disable grid snap for auto snapping or otherwise configurable auto snap.

 232 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Show / hide block references from block list (eye-icon) Closed
Task Description

Show / hide block references from block list (eye-icon)

 235 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Trial version: dockable with links, etc. Closed
Task Description

Trial version: dockable with static web page (links, special offers, ...)

 247 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow tab names sometimes shortened too much Closed
Task Description

When many tabs are open, the name of contained drawing is not fully shown. One way that some mdi applications do, is to append the name of the active tab to the top window title, which is also useful in other ways. At least a tool tip with the full name of the file on the tab top was nice.

 249 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Default Save Format Closed
Task Description

It was nice to specify the default Format for saving files. 2010 is too young for distribution to unknown users, better use 2004 or so...

 255 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Trim ellipses Closed
Task Description

Trim ellipses

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