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Filled triangle

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:37 am
by andrew
From a QCAD user:

If there is an easier way to create a filled triangle (rather than creating a leader dimension, exploding it, then deleting everything other than the solid triangle) please advise.

Posted: Mon Dec 12, 2011 10:38 am
by andrew
To create a filled triangle, please proceed as follows:

- Draw the triangle with lines
- Select all three lines
- Menu 'Draw' - 'Hatch'
- In the dialog choose 'Solid Fill' for 'Type' and click OK.
- You may want to delete the three lines. The solid fill can exist on its own.

To reuse the arrow, you might want to create a block and insert it with the appropriate rotation angle / scale every time you need an arrow.