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parallel polylines on different layers in a block

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 5:52 pm
by edi
Here is the scenario:

I am editing a block and want to make a parallel polyline on a different layer. I select the layer, draw the polyline and everything looks ok. When I leave the block editor, however, the whole block (not only the new polyline) is suddenly on the layer I have drawn the parallel polyline on. Exploding the block doesn't change anything. When I enter the block editor again, everything looks the way it should.

I am using parallel polylines to compensate the drill radius, so I want these on a separate layer at all cost. Therefore, this is a major annoyance :(

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 5:57 pm
by edi
Just a bit of information to help you track this down: This bug is not present in, but it is there in