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repeat a function .

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 3:19 pm
by fxcatoire
Hello everyone,

I'm a beginner in scripting, i'm writing a script which will help me to draw maps .
this script i wrote work nice, but now, i would like that the function next() repeat again and again until i say stop.

is'it possible? does anyone give me an exemple or explain?
thank you for help.

(the function next() include a dialog box and draw a line, scaled and rotated)
here's the script :

* e01 fonction principale
function main() {
var doc;
var view;
var line;
var i;

doc = new Document;
view = new View;
centre = inputcentre(); // la variable du centre (debut de chaque points)
cenplus = centre.y+1; //ceci est la variable du point y (+1) de la fonction scale

addLayer();// ajout de deux layers



print("fin du script");
*E02 creation de 2 layers
*si ils existent deja, il ne serons pas ecrases.
function addLayer() {
var doc = new Document;

var pens = [ new Pen(255,0,0), new Pen(0,255,0) ];
var layers = [ "topo", "rayons" ];

for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) {
doc.addLayer(layers, pens);
* E03
* definition du point "CENTRE" du rayonnement lazer
* input centre dialog-box var = centre
function inputcentre() {

var dialog = new Dialog;

dialog.caption = "position point centre";
dialog.okButtonText = "OK";
dialog.cancelButtonText = "Abort";

var cx = new LineEdit;
cx.label = "X ";
cx.text = " ";

var cy = new LineEdit;
cy.label = "Y";
cy.text = " ";

if (dialog.exec()) {
print("Centre = " + cx.text + "/" + cy.text);
var ret = new Vector(cx.text, cy.text);

return ret;
*E04 fonction next , defini la longueure, l'angle de la ligne et la dessine.
function next() {//*******

var dialog = new Dialog;
var doc = new Document;

dialog.caption = "distance pour le point 'next'";
dialog.okButtonText = "OK";
dialog.cancelButtonText = "Abort";

var dis = new LineEdit;
dis.label = "distance pour le point 'next'";
dis.text = " ";

var deg = new LineEdit;
deg.label = "degres pour le point 'next'";
deg.text = " ";

if (dialog.exec()) {
print("degres pour le point next =" + deg.text);
print("distance vers le point next =" + dis.text);

var line, v1, v2;
v1 = new Vector(centre.x,centre.y);
v2 = new Vector(centre.x,cenplus);

v2.rotate(centre.x,centre.y, -0.0174532925*deg.text);
v2.scale(centre.x,centre.y, dis.text);

line = new Line(doc, v1, v2);
var ret = dis.text;
return ret;
var ret = deg.text;
return ret;

*1 degre = 0.0174532925 radian
// EOF.

if !

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 10:14 am
by fxcatoire

i've put an 'if' at the end of the main function , and the 'dis' and 'deg' are now global variables.
but i can't check if it work as i want, because qcad.exe make an error and windows close it! (win xp pro)

maybe something is wrong in my script ?

thank you if you can help.

function main() {
var doc;
var view;
var line;

doc = new Document;
view = new View;
centre = inputcentre();
cenplus = centre.y+1;




if (dis.text>=1) { // HERE IS the IF

print("fin du script");

function addLayer() {
var doc = new Document;

var pens = [ new Pen(255,0,0), new Pen(0,255,0) ];
var layers = [ "topo", "rayons" ];

for (var i = 0; i < layers.length; i++) {
doc.addLayer(layers, pens);

function inputcentre() {

var dialog = new Dialog;

dialog.caption = "position point centre";
dialog.okButtonText = "OK";
dialog.cancelButtonText = "Abort";

var cx = new LineEdit;
cx.label = "X ";
cx.text = " ";

var cy = new LineEdit;
cy.label = "Y";
cy.text = " ";

if (dialog.exec()) {
print("Centre = " + cx.text + "/" + cy.text);
var ret = new Vector(cx.text, cy.text);

return ret;

function next() {//*******

var dialog = new Dialog;
var doc = new Document;

dialog.caption = "distance pour le point 'next'";
dialog.okButtonText = "OK";
dialog.cancelButtonText = "Abort";

dis = new LineEdit;
dis.label = "distance pour le point 'next'";
dis.text = " ";

deg = new LineEdit;
deg.label = "degres pour le point 'next'";
deg.text = " ";

if (dialog.exec()) {
print("degres pour le point next =" + deg.text);
print("distance vers le point next =" + dis.text);

function line() {

doc = new Document;
var line, v1, v2;
v1 = new Vector(centre.x,centre.y);
v2 = new Vector(centre.x,cenplus);

v2.rotate(centre.x,centre.y, -0.0174532925*deg.text);
v2.scale(centre.x,centre.y, dis.text);

line = new Line(doc, v1, v2);
var ret = dis.text;
return ret;
var ret = deg.text;
return ret;
*1 degre = 0.0174532925 radian
// EOF.