QCAD Bugtracker

QCAD - 2D CAD System.

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Please make sure that you are using the latest Version of QCAD before posting a bug (menu Help > Check for Updates)

IDCategoryTask Type  descSeveritySummaryStatusProgress
 626 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow CAD font styles not saved (except standard) Closed
Task Description

CAD font styles not saved (except standard)

 616 QCAD (main)Bug ReportVery Low Qcad 3 logo incorrect Closed
Task Description

Not a major thing in fact, but there is an error in the logo of QCad3.
Surrounded in red in the jpg.

 615 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Intersection beween an ellips and a tangent. Closed
Task Description

The intersection between an ellips and a tangent is not détected.

Using tool split 2.
When clicking on part 1 of the circle only part 1 is removed.
When clicking on part 2 of the elipse part 2 and part 3 are removed. The intersection with the tangent is not found.

 613 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Split entities: wrong interpretation of start angle inp ...Closed
Task Description

Split entities: start angle must be entered in degrees * 1rad (converted from degrees to rad twice)


 608 QCAD (main)Bug ReportMedium Page orientation can not be changed while page preview  ...Closed
Task Description

When in print-preview mode, the page orientation (portrate or landscape) can be changed using its document-preference dialog box, but it does not take effect.

 606 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Grid with unit 'Mil' Closed
Task Description

In version when unit mil is selected the grid choices are auto, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10
In version 3 when mil is selected the grid units are 1/128, 1/64, 1/32 ...... etc. binary.
This needs correction. I use the grid a lot when I draw so this is a high priority for me.

 605 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Print settings: show page borders, show bounding box Closed
Task Description

- Remove unused option ‘show bounding box’ - Fix ‘show page borders’ (should be ‘show paper borders’)

 603 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow SVG import straight path segments Closed
Task Description

I noticed, that paths are not fully imported into QCAD. I rewrote case “m” of “SvgImporter” like below, that way also straight line segments are drawn correctly. Case “M” should be similar:

      case 'm':
          x = ox = coords[0];
          y = oy = coords[1];
          x0 = x;
          y0 = y;
          for (k=2; k<coords.length; k+=2) {
              x += coords[k+0];
              y += coords[k+1];
              this.importLine(ox, oy, x, y);
              ox = x;
              oy = y;
 602 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow QCad 3 : Intersection between ellipses Closed
Task Description

Intersection between ellipses are not all detected.

This makes difficult difficult to make the projection as the example I give, where part of ellipses are to be removed betwwen intersection ponts.

 600 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Library browser: adding item to favorites Closed
Task Description

System : Windows 7 64 bits French.
QT SDK 1.1.0 installed

When I right click to add an object in Favorites, the object does not happear in favorites tab.

 599 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Line tangent to ellipse with start point on minor axis Closed
1 Task Description

Line tangent to ellipse with start point on the minor axis of the ellipse produces wrong result.

 597 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Rechteck, Referenspunkt nicht mehr wählbar in kombinati ...Closed
Task Description

Will ich ein Rechteck mit Größenvorgabe zeichnen und kombiniere dies mit einem versetzten Relative Zero Punkt kann ich nicht mehr den Referenzpunkt (unten Links etc.) wählen und in der Vorschau sehen. Gezeichnet wird es richtig - wenn ich den Vorgang abschließen kann!

Rechteck mit Größe,
verändern Relativ Zero,
Ende eines anderen Elementes,
Relativ X,Y,
Will ich dann den Referenzpunktes des Rechtecks verändern - hat QCad Probleme dies umzusetzen oder auch den Vorgang dann flüssig durchzuführen.

 595 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Editing text trims leading space. Closed
Task Description

To reproduce, enter the text (te): “a\n b”. Then bring up the edit text dialog (mt). The spaces before the “b” are gone.

 594 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow A '<' (0x3C) in a text object omits text to end-of-line ...Closed
Task Description

To reproduce: insert text (te) “a<b” into drawing. Then open the dialog to edit (mt): the “b” is missing from text field.

 593 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Multiple instances of QCAD opened when double-clicking  ...Closed
Task Description

Most likely a timeout issue if the machine is very busy:
- Explorer launches QCAD when a file is double-clicked
- QCAD checks if another instance of QCAD is already running by trying to contact the other instance. This may time out if the operating system is very busy or QCAD has not been used for a while and needs to wake up first.

See also:

 585 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Copy & Paste Vorschau Proportionen passen nicht ... Closed
Task Description

Kopiere ich Bemaßungen/Leader in die Zwischenablage und möchte diese dann wieder in die Zeichnung einfügen passen die Vorschau Proportionen nicht mit dem eingefügten Ergebnis überein. Eigentlich nur ein Schönheitsfehler aber es erschwert die korrekte Positionierung und die benutzung der Optionen wie skalieren, rotieren etc ...

584QCAD (main)Bug ReportLowLibrary Items können unbrauchbar gemacht werden durch l...Assigned
1 Task Description

Nach einigen Überraschungen ....

Es ist möglich Layer in nicht eingefügten oder unsichtbar geschalteten Library Items unbemerkt zu löschen ....

Fallbeispiel 1:
Ich arbeite an einer Zeichnung die u.a. den Layer “Gelbe Linie” benutzt.
Ich füge ein Library Item ein was auch einen Layer “Gelbe Linie” hat.
Ich lösche - aus welchen Gründen auch immer - in der Zeichnung das Library Item weil ich es erst später wieder verwenden will.
In der Blocklist ist es natürlich immer noch verfügbar.
In der Zeichnung lösche ich den Layer “Gelbe Linie” da ich diesen nicht brauche brauche - habe aber natürlich nicht im Kopf welche Layer in meinen Blocks verwendet wurden.
Nach einiger Zeit will ich den Block (den aus der Library) wieder einfügen - dieser ist nun aber unbrauchbar da der Inhalt welcher auf dem Layer “gelbe Linie” war fehlt.
Das Library Item neu aus Library laden um das bereits existierende zu reparieren scheitert da das erste nicht überschrieben werden kann. Ich muss den ersten Block löschen um den neuen benutzen zu können.

Fallbeispiel 2:
Da das selbe (löschen der Layer) auch passieren kann bei unsichtbar geschalteten Blöcken kann es dazu führen das ich zig bereits positionierte Blöcke zerstöre und neu platzieren muss um meine Zeichnung zu reparieren.

Fallbeispiel 3:
Ich sehe in meiner Zeichnung einen Layer “Gelbe Linie”. Weiß nicht was das ist - schalte alle Layer unsichtbar außer “Gelbe Linie”. Klicke auf “Auto Zoom” um zu sehen was den auf “Gelbe Linie” ist. Finde nichts = also leer! Lösche Layer “Gelbe Linie”. Der Layer wurde aber von einem im Moment nicht verwendeten Library Block verwendet. Es gibt keinen Hinweis das ich damit ein Library Item zerstören könnte ....

Lange Rede kurzer Sinn: Wäre es machbar/sinnvoll Layer in Blöcken nur löschen zu können wenn ich mich im Edit Modus der Blöcke befinde?

 582 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Standard font from QCad2.2 has to be explicitly set bac ...Closed
Task Description


If you open an old qcad drawing thats DXF and edit text, the popup window shows “Main Font” as empty.

If you do not set the font and complete the edit, it will change the font from the standard to what looks like an Arial font.

If you set the font as “standard” during the edit, each time in future you open the editor it does at least have standard selected.

Ie if no font is specified in drawing, should it not select “standard”?


 581 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Unit sizes in 'metric' templates misleading - showing a ...Closed
Task Description

Windows 7 -64

In the metric templates the unit size shown in the preview is showing as ‘Inch’ instead of millimeter. probably just a ‘typo’ mistake here as in reality when you open up a ‘metric’ template they are indeed measuring in millimeters!

 580 QCAD (main)Bug ReportMedium Black color reverted to white color on each close Closed
Task Description


When I started Q3, I selected a White background in the initial dialog window. I opened a copy of a good Q2 file and saw that ALL entities with Q2 Black/White color where forced to be White. Andrew explains this as a mean to avoid unreadable items against the background colors. Remember I selected White as background ? I guess Black/White entities could be better kept as Black ?

Following Andrew’s advice, in Application Preferences =⇒ Graphics View, I unchecked the Auto correct black and white colors check box. The background settings is white. OK.

I went through a process of changing the White color for several layers to Black. I also had to change the color codes for the hatch areas. For instance, the hatch area layer “055_F_Murs” has “14-76-255 / 255-197-179” values in Q2. Why these values are auto corrected to “30-128-255 / 255-191-127” ?

After these changes, I saved the file, closed Q3 and opened the file again.

Catastrophique ! All “Black/White” layers were back to Black and the hatch colors were back to the “auto corrected” values.

Changing the background color to black then white seemed to solve the problem : the layers kept the Black color. Actually it was just an illusion.

Yesterday too much confident, I spent the whole day, modifying layers to Black, adding new layers also Black or custom color, checking the line weight (replacing the “default” (?) value of 0.25 mm with my preferred default value of 0,00 mm, I’ve posted on the forum about this) and so on. I saved the file, closed it.
To-day, nearly all layers have lost their colors :
- Black ones are again White,
- custom color are “auto corrected” as above for “055_F_Murs”,
- only the standard non Black/White colors are preserved, like Blue, Magenta etc.

At this point, I can’t continue using QCAD 3 with enough reliability as my color settings are always lost. This is why I qualify this bug as CRITICAL.
I don’t want to use a Black background or a Light Blue one. Why do you think all old “green on black VDU” were replaced with “black/color on white” displays, to begin by Apple ?

NB I already reported this but can’t find it in the list (maybe because I forgot to enter a summary ? No warning, happily I had a copy with Notepad), sorry for the duplicate.

 577 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Print preview: auto center Closed
Task Description

Centers based on size of entire drawing including invisible layers.
Should only center based on visible layers.

 575 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Cut out segment: fails with ellipse segments that are t ...Closed
Task Description

See also:

 574 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow test Closed
Task Description


 563 QCAD (main)Bug ReportMedium Hatches and colors transformed in Q3 Closed
Task Description

To check compatibility for the same .dxf drawing prepared with Q2, I prepared 2 copies, one with a “_Q2” suffix and the other with “_Q3”. I managed to keep an operational Q2 system on the same Win7-HomeEditionPremium-64bits PC. As you can guess, I opened each copy with the relevant QCAD version.

In each version, I selected the same hatch layer and list here their properties along with a hardcopy of a display of a similar part of the hatched area, with blue lines showing the differences in hatching, apparently the density.
Q2 : Solid:False, Scale:3.00, Angle:0, Name:ar-brelm ; the color is described in its panel as 20,255,255 and 255,85,0 (left colum first from top to bottom).
Q3 : all identical values but Scale:0.78189.

Another comparison with a global view of the same drawing. Just notice how the hatching in the areas at the bottom are different (red lines). Also, I noticed that increasing the zoom let the hatching appear in the Q3 version instaed of the grey homogenous color, but the hatching in Q3 remains more dense than in the Q2 version.
Q2 : Solid:False, Scale:1.00, Angle:0, Name:ar-conc : color is a standard grey (0,0,128 & 128,128,128)
Q3 : Solid:False, Scale:0.246063, Angle:0, Name:AR-CONC : color is qualified as “custom” even with the same values.
Both have “centimeter” as drawing units.

Then I opened another Q2 drawing with Q3. I elected to hide all layers then to show all of them. And the color hatching of some aras were then modified. See 3rd picture with all black areas. (Just changing the layers shown or hidden was enough to not allow to close the drawing without a save...).

Than you for your attention or letting me know which setting can correct the differences.

 562 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Layer "Black/White" color from Qcad2 not kept in v3 Closed
Task Description

I made several drawings for my building renovation project, using Qcad Pro v2.2.2.

I’m used to have a white background and selected adequate colors for my layers : quotations in black or blue, legends in black too etc. When I started QCAD 3rc5, I choose white background in the 1st application launch startup screen.

OK, the background is white. But now I see that ALL “black” items are de facto in white, making them hard to read as you can believe.

Why are the colors I choose for my layers not kept in this QCAD 3 ? I remember ;-) that in v2, one of the standard color choices was “Black/white” ; I assumed the actual choice of black or white was somehow related to the then selected background.

Is there a kind of a setting or a miracle procedure to allocate all previous “Black/White” color to pure black ? Or to add a provision in the startup screen to select which Black or White color to assign to the previous “Black/White” color.

I’m facing a hard choice :
- use a non-white background ? Pale-blue could be nice ... but I would still be forced to change my ex-black-now-white layers color. Black or dark background is not recommended in view of eye strain : should I be back to old monochrome VDU ? Printed paper are easier to read with black text on white paper, aren’t they ?
- modify manually all layers which were changed “à l’insu de mon plein gré” from black to white, and in all my drawings ? Not enough time, sure !

 561 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Dropdown list with black lines Closed
Task Description

Just installed Q3rc5 with Win7.64 bits.French. To report bugs, I wanted to change my interface user language from French to English.
Using menu “Edit” =⇒ “Application preferences” =⇒ “Language settings” =⇒ “Language”, I notice that the dropdown list (combo box) is hard to decipher as all lines are with black text on a black background. Only the current value is shown with white text on a blue background.

Moving the cursor up and down reveals the other values. After navigating in the list, all values can be read. Going to another item in the Settings and then back to the Language settings : all lines can be read.
Closing the setting and opening it again, the same dropdown list has again all entries in black but the current selected value in blue.

NB: Searches for “dropdown”, “combo”, “selection” etc returned no related task.

 560 QCAD (main)Bug ReportVery Low Some parameters changes lost after saving and reopening ...Closed
Task Description

First of all, thanks for this wonderful product !

My issue : when I modify (at file level) some parameters like the number of decimals in cotations, or the linethikness of a calc, these modifications are lost after saving and reopening the dxf. It comes back to the default values. It is not the case for the colors for instance.

At your disposal for other informations.

 557 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow In Blöcken kann am Kreis kein Reference Punkt als Fang  ...Closed
Task Description

In Blöcken kann am Kreis kein Reference Punkt als Fang benutzt werden. Alle anderen Punktbestimmungen scheinen zu funktionieren.

 553 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Auswahlbox ignoriert bestimmte Bemaßungen mit geänderte ...Closed
Task Description

Ziehe ich mit der Maus eine normale Auswahlbox wird bestimmte (nicht alle) Bemaßungen ignoriert welche geänderte Label haben. In meinem Fall z.B. <>” (reality check)

 551 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Layer changes by Trim Closed
Task Description

If an entety has a different layer than your choice in the layerlist:
By trimming a circle it changes the layer of selected entety to the layer that is chosen in the layerlist.
You have to change the layer of the entety back to the previous layer after trimming.

 549 QCAD (main)Bug ReportVery Low linewidth seems to be ignored in bitmap export Closed
Task Description

I tried exporting a 297x210mm drawing to png with 2970×2100 pixels, lines had linewidth 2mm and resulting lines in png had only a few pixels (instead of the expected ~20 pixels).

 548 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow russian codepage error in text tool Closed
Task Description

1. add any russian (cyrillic, for example йцук) text via text tool
2. save file
3. close file
4. open file
5. voila (see attached screenshot)

 547 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow grid movement Closed
Task Description

I just made the R5 update and I noticed that moving the pointer from the canvas to the command bar button to the left, you build a movement of the drawing grid in the direction up-down. With the R4 did not happen.

 546 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow visible hint lost in RC5 if hatch loop not closed Closed
Task Description

RC4 and RC5 lost the very useful visible hint that was shown in RC2 at the invalid point of a non-closed boundary.

If this is not a bug, this task is a feature request to re-insert this feature. ;-)

 545 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow russian codepage error in Layer list Closed
Task Description

1. Creating new file
2. create new layer with cyrilic name, ex.: фыва screenshot #1
3. saving
4. closing
5. look in file see correct UTF-8 name screenshot #2
6. opening file via qcad/ oops! layer name is incorrect screenshot #3
7. saving file
8. closing
9. look in file. got incorrect version

my guess, that the problem is that whole file is encoded as ANSI:


but layer names are coded as UTF-8.
so additional converting ANSI→UTF-8 is demanded

 544 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Hatch not restored correctly in undo operation after sc ...Closed
Task Description

Scaling some entities including hatches and undo-ing this, the hatches are not restored correctly (still existing, but completely malformed).

 543 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Unit Konvertierung bei Blocks funktioniert nicht ... Closed
Task Description

Wenn ich eine Zeichnung in mm als Grundlage benutze um über die Zwischenablage etwas in eine Inch Zeichnung zu übernehmen wird alles Maßstäblich in Inch konvertiert.
Sehr schön ;-)

Wenn ich aber einen Block der in einer mm Zeichnung erstellt wurde über die Zwischenablage in eine Inch Zeichnung kopiere wird die Kopie als solches in der Zeichnung auch wieder in Inch konvertiert - der Block wird aber abgelegt in 1mm = 1” und kann unbearbeitet nicht weiterverwendet werden.
Nicht schön :-(

Natürlich kann man jetzt fragen: Wer braucht solch einen Blödsinn? Antwort: Amerikaner! In den USA wird blödsinniger weise gemixt ..... :-(

 542 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Snap > Restrict horizontal cannot be applied to Snap >  ...Closed
Task Description

Vorgabe: Kreis der verschoben werden soll auf einen Punkt zwischen zwei Vertikale Linien.

Auswahl des Kreises,
Funktion Verschieben/Kopieren,
Referenzpunkt = Mitte Kreis,
Zielpunkt Middle Manuel,
Erster Punkt = Center 1. vertikale Linie,
Zweiter Punkt restricted Horizontal zum ersten Punkt,
QCad benutzt nun fälschlicher Weise den Referenzpunkt des Kreises anstatt den Center der bereits gewählten 1. vertikalen Linie ....

 541 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow dxf not readable with QCad3 but was in QCad 2 Closed
Task Description

I got a dxf (AC1006) from a client which is not readable by QCad 3 RC5 (”check file format...”) but is perfectly shown by QCad 2.2; opening in QCad 2.2, saving there and re-opening in QCad 3 does the trick.

 540 QCAD (main)Bug ReportVery Low "pa" ("parallel") keycode triggers wrong action Closed
Task Description

In the latest QCAD Community Edition source code (, the wrong action is triggered for the “pa” keycode. Specifically, it triggers the basic draw line command. Here is the relevant code from qcadcmd/src/rs_commands.cpp, in RS_Commands::keycodeToAction:

  } else if (c==tr("li", "line")) {
      ret = RS2::ActionDrawLine;
  } else if (c==tr("pa", "parallel")) {
      ret = RS2::ActionDrawLine;

I believe this should instead be:

  } else if (c==tr("li", "line")) {
      ret = RS2::ActionDrawLine;
  } else if (c==tr("pa", "parallel")) {
      ret = RS2::ActionDrawLineParallel;
 539 TranslationBug ReportLow No translations in linux installer Closed
Task Description

Installing QCAD 3 RC5 under Linux using the .bin installer leads to an English only installation.

 537 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow colors changed for print Closed
Task Description

light grey is printed as black starting with RC5 (was grey in RC4 which was fine)

 536 QCAD (main)Bug ReportHigh Update RC5 NO icons Closed
1 Task Description

After Update to RC5 there are NO icons displayed

 532 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Linux binaries link against libglu.so.1 Closed
Task Description

Dependency possibly not needed?

See forum thread:

 531 QCAD (main)Bug ReportMedium Qcad stops working after selecting and moving an entity ...Closed
Task Description

I am a new user and bought qcad this afternoon.
Sometimes qcad stops working after selecting and moving an entity. it happens almost every one to two hours. twice until now.
I tried version that didn’t have this problem.

 530 QCAD (main)Bug ReportMedium sporadic unwanted close of QCad Closed
Task Description

Using the move and scale tools, QCad sometimes (reason unknown so far) crashes in RC4 (never seen that in RC2).

 529 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow move tool moves entities to mouse position instead of c ...Closed
Task Description

Sometimes (60%, unknown reason) the move tool MV moves the selected entities to the current mouse position (after the final “ok” click at the move properties dialog) instead of click position of target (before the move properties dialog).

 526 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Qt Debugger appears right clicking view widget Closed
Task Description

Right clicking at “view list” widget list results in Qt Debugger appearing with message

Uncaught exception at /opt/qcad-3.0.0-rc4-prof-linux/scripts/Widgets/ViewList/ViewList.js:46: TypeError: Result of expression ‘RGuiAction.getByScriptFile(”scripts/View/Remove/RemoveView.js”)’ [null] is not an object.
46 RGuiAction.getByScriptFile(”scripts/View/Remove/RemoveView.js”).addToMenu(menu);

 524 QCAD (main)Bug ReportHigh Debugger appears when using lengthen tool Closed
Task Description

When attempting to use the Lengthen tool, the Qt Script Debugger was activated. The following exception was noted:

Welcome to the Qt Script debugger.
Debugger commands start with a . (period).
Any other input will be evaluated by the script interpreter.
Type “.help” for help.

Uncaught exception at scripts/Modify/Lengthen/Lengthen.js:137: TypeError: Result of expression ‘this.entity.trimStartPoint’ [undefined] is not a function.
137 this.entity.trimStartPoint(is);

The application then crashed and report was sent to Apple.

523QCAD (main)Bug ReportLowSelection tool button in CAD tool bar shows line tools ...Assigned
Task Description

The selection tool is not accessible:

Click on Selection Tool icon - left panel:

Left panel then shows line tool options.

Click “back” button at top of left panel:

Left panel then shows selection options.

Click an option icon:

Left panel then shows line tool options again.

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