QCAD Bugtracker

QCAD - 2D CAD System.

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IDCategoryTask Type  descSeveritySummaryStatusProgress
 1056 QCAD (main)RefactoringVery Low Dead and wrong code in RSPlatform.cpp Closed
Task Description

I am considering pushing the following diff:

--- a/src/core/RSPlatform.cpp
+++ b/src/core/RSPlatform.cpp
@@ -205,25 +205,6 @@ int RS::getCpuCores() {
     cores = sysinfo.dwNumberOfProcessors;
 #elif defined(Q_OS_UNIX)
     cores = sysconf( _SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN );
-#elif defined (Q_OS_MAC) || defined (Q_OS_BSD4) || [...]
-    nt mib[4];
-    size_t len;
-    /* set the mib for hw.ncpu */
-    mib[0] = CTL_HW;
-    mib[1] = HW_AVAILCPU; // alternatively, try HW_NCPU;
-    /* get the number of CPUs from the system */
-    sysctl(mib, 2, &cores, &len, NULL, 0);
-    if (cores < 1) {
-        mib[1] = HW_NCPU;
-        sysctl( mib, 2, &cores, &len, NULL, 0 );
-    }
-#elif defined(Q_OS_HPUX)
-    cores = mpctl(MPC_GETNUMSPUS, NULL, NULL);
-#elif defined(Q_OS_IRIX)
-    cores = sysconf( _SC_NPROC_ONLN );

(truncated list to manage size)

I see that most of this was put in there as a kind of a note-to-self originally, however _SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN is implemented by every realistically possible targets anyway, so for all practical purposes, this is dead weight.

A couple of questions remain, though:

  • #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 should probably be Q_OS_WIN, so as to include win64 as well.
  • Assuming the real purpose for this function is to determine how many parts a particular task is to be split into in the future, if and when QCAD gets the need to split expensive tasks among multiple CPUS, “core” probably shouldn’t be static - CPUs are hot-pluggable today, and while one probably doesn’t do that on a laptop, it’s not unfeasible in, say, a VDI environment.


 610 QCAD (main)RefactoringLow replace QMdiArea with QTabBar and QWidgetStack Closed
Task Description

QMdiChild widgets in an QMdiArea receive repaint and mouse events even if they are not active which slows down the user interface when having multiple MDI children open.

Long term, QMdiArea might have to be replaced with something else.

 146 QCAD (main)RefactoringLow cloning entities: optional ID cloning Closed
Task Description

add parameter to REntity::clone to allow cloning without cloning object ID.

 138 QCAD (main)RefactoringLow SVG Export entity properties "By Layer" and "By Block" Closed
Task Description

If I understand correctly, SVG export uses svg groups to keep QCAD block entities. This in itself is very useful. There is no way to correctly keep layer information, as QCAD blocks can contain elements on different layers, while SVG only knows about groups. That is a deficiency of SVG.

To save on file size, there was some potential to get rid of ever repeating same attributes on entities, eg: style=”stroke:#000000;stroke-width:0.25;stroke-dasharray:2.16,1.08”

To optimize “By Block” is easy: just set the attribute on the SVG group, and omit on below entities styled “By Block”.

To optimize “By Layer” is a little more involved, but might be solved by using css:
- Create a class by the name of the Layer
- add the class attribute to elements styled “By Layer”

Then only individually styled entities would get a style attribute, and filesize of SVG could be halved in most cases.

This just an idea :) Having written this, I now realize, that QCAD can style weight, pattern, color each extra, so the optimazition could only be applied to entities, where everything is “By Layer” or “By Block”. But that should be the case most of the time.

 137 QCAD (main)RefactoringLow SVG Export precision Closed
Task Description

In files exported with the (even PG) exporter I sometimes see values like these: 334.99999999999994 or 570.0000000000001 and very often 12 digits of precision.

To safe on file size, I suggest, that QCAD rounds values on SVG export to eg. three places. When viewed in an ordinary web browser, that will result in a precision of 1 inch / 96dpi / 1000 = 0.00026mm, not? Ends should still meet.

 2404 QCAD (main)Performance IssueLow Extreme Lag When Selecting Solid or Pattern Hatch Closed
Task Description

Hi Andrew

I get Extreme Lag When Left Click and Selecting Solid or Pattern Hatch...

Please See Thread in Forum...

Screenshot & DXF Attached for your convenience ..

Version: (3.27.7)
Build Date: Sep 30 2022
Revision: 62d387f
Qt Version: 5.14.2
Architecture: x86_64
Compiler: gcc 5.4.0


 2277 QCAD (main)Performance IssueLow Auto Trim (AX) slower with larger number of text entiti ...Closed
Task Description

QCAD Professional
Win7pro Win-Installer
Version: (
Internet: QCAD.org
Build Date: Jul 20 2021
Revision: e596276
Qt Version: 5.13.2
Architecture: i386
Compiler: Unknown

Trimming With AX slows down with many text entities.
Seeing the same lagging with D2 on Circle entities.

Also seen on Windows 10 Pro
Forum topic: https://qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?t=8729

Attached files:
TrimAuto_1.dxf ... 11 entities ... trimming instantaneous
TrimAuto_2.dxf ... 11 entities + 1936 LINES ... rather instantaneous
TrimAuto_3.dxf ... 11 entities + 1936 ARCS ... less than 1 second
TrimAuto_4.dxf ... 11 entities + 121 TEXT ... over 3 or 4 seconds
Slower for larger Arc / Circle

The questions here are:
Should AX trim at text entities?
Can this be optional?


2063QCAD (main)Performance IssueLowBad performance while zooming inside layout block with ...Assigned
2 Task Description

Zooming in and out is lagging to the point of unusable. This is happening in a layout block with the cursor pointing inside geometry with hatches. When the cursor is pointing outside the geometry zooming works as expected.
The attached file has a very simplified testcase that shows this problem almost in the same way as a more complex drawing with multiple layers and hatches.

edit: I also attached the more complex drawing because it is a bit unclear to me where the lagging stops. Outside the viewport or outside the paper.

I just noticed the selection box has the same problem!

2021QCAD (main)Performance IssueVery LowCannot work with big dwg filesAssigned
Task Description

Openning a big file or doing any action in it, takes minutes to load.
Even dragging the scrollbar slightly left or right, takes mintues to redraw the canvas again, which makes QCAD un-usable for professional use.
Is there a way to make QCAD usable, after loading completed:
- Like suppressing edit until user says so,
- or taking snapshots of rendered canvases to another file and use it, as windows uses thumb.db ( for negative latency :P )

PS: I wish I could help a bit, but my hand are tied. I am just a java freak, I am opt to any idea of porting it to java, if she is still alive.

Tuğalsan Karabacak
EEE, MSc Mobile Comp & App, IWE

 1984 QCAD (main)Performance IssueLow Block > Create Block from Selection: Slow for large num ...Closed
Task Description

See also:

 1970 QCAD/CAMPerformance IssueMedium Drill Toolpath Workaround Closed
Task Description

Hallo Andrew,

Fiddling with the drill-toolpath error, a solution seems to be to add the drill location as a ‘single point’ in the ‘source’ sublayer. I am using this as a Bug Work Around.

1801QCAD (main)Performance IssueLowlow perfomance in paper space and viewportsAssigned
Task Description

Improving the performance of the exceptional use of the processors when switching from the model to the paper space (testing with the attached file) the functionalities of the commands for the viewports are too low in the paper space.

 1693 QCAD (main)Performance IssueLow Formatted text is not correctly displayed Closed
1 Task Description

Texts justified and/or formatted in dxf or dwg files generated by Autocad not presented correctly when the file is opened by QCad, follow file for verification.

 1662 QCAD (main)Performance IssueLow Select > Select Contour: slow for complex drawings Closed
Task Description


when working with files containing many not connected elements (non-poly-line elements) a double click can cause a coffee-break easily. The search for connected entities easily takes over 5 minutes on an up to date machine ([email protected]) with files that are pretty standard in size (2 or 3 MB file size ascii dxf). Adding an interruption-method would be suitable (for example by pressing escape).

attached a file with a polyline of 13000 entities and a second file with just everything duplicated. When exploding the polyline and double clicking an element it takes quite a while until all elements are selected. (this is not an extreme example, I had sometimes 10 minutes of waiting with slightly bigger files, accidently double clicking something).

also an improved algorithm for the search would help to speed up the selection. (e.g. divide the area in smaller parts, do the search there, or an option to search only in the visible view port of the document)


 1610 QCAD/CAMPerformance IssueLow Switching from one drawing to another slow Closed
Task Description

When switching from one drawing to another, the 3D view is updated which can be slow, especially for drawings with many text entities.

See also:

 1606 QCAD (main)Performance IssueLow Selecting 'Draw Order' halts system temporary Closed
Task Description

Merely clicking on ‘Draw Order’, and usualy unintended, halts the system for several seconds up to several tens of seconds.

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40Ghz
4,00 GB RAM installed 3,49 GB usable
32-bit Operating System
Windows 7 Professional SP1

 1497 QCAD (main)Performance IssueLow Autosnap: hangs with very complex splines Closed
Task Description

Splines with hundreds of control points or fit points can cause hangs when using auto snap near them.

 1315 QCAD (main)Performance IssueLow Snap > Auto Snap: slow when snapping to complex polylin ...Closed
Task Description

See also:

 1305 dxflibPerformance IssueLow Bottleneck in DL_Dxf::toReal caused by std::locale Closed
Task Description

Loading any larger dxf file takes very long because of this line:

The call to std::locale is very slow. File-loading can be speed up by approximately factor 5 times on my system when replacing it. I just removed that line and instead added the following in DL_Dxf::in so it is changed only once per file:

std::locale oldLocale = std::locale::global(std::locale(”C”)); // use dot in numbers
while (readDxfGroups(fp, creationInterface)) {}

 1123 QCAD (main)Performance IssueMedium Hatch in block causes performance problem Closed
Task Description

Hatches in blocks cause poor performance while (auto-)snapping.
The lines that make up those hatches are included in the search for intersection points which is not desirable.

 1115 QCAD (main)Performance IssueLow Windows: slow file dialogs Closed
Task Description

Windows 7 Professional 64bit SP1

File > Open shows empty dialog for 1 minute, then shows dialog contents.

 1052 QCAD (main)Performance IssueLow (Isometric) projection: poor preview performance Closed
Task Description

Preview performance can be improved by projecting only once and then moving / pasting the projection.

 1029 QCAD (main)Performance IssueLow Selecting many entities: poor performance Closed
Task Description

Selecting a great number of entities (>10000) can be slow, likely due to updating the property editor.

 914 QCAD (main)Performance IssueLow Invert selection: poor performance Closed
Task Description

Inverting the current selection is significantly slower than select all, deselect all or other selection tools.

728QCAD (main)Performance IssueLowSlow loading of drawing with many block insertsAssigned
1 Task Description

Slow loading of drawing with huge number of block inserts (more than 10000).

 673 BookPerformance IssueLow Library - Symbols Closed
Task Description

Library - Architecture is showing only four (4) symbols:
“ffl, north, uparrow and winv”.
Is this correct?

Thanks in advance



 391 QCAD (main)Performance IssueLow Complex blocks: moving with drag and drop shows whole b ...Closed
Task Description

Complex blocks: moving with drag and drop shows whole block as preview (slow)

 360 QCAD (main)Performance IssueLow Application Preferences - Shortcuts (slow) Closed
Task Description

In the “Application Preferences”-menu a click on submenu “Shortcuts and Commands” freeze the application for a view minutes.

 288 QCAD (main)Performance IssueLow opening dwg file takes very long [improved] Closed
Task Description

Opening a 4 MB dwg file results in no-response for about five minutes. Opening the same file with DraftSight takes less than five seconds.

 244 QCAD (main)Performance IssueLow snap auto Closed
Task Description

Snap defaults to auto. Auto snap gets slow in areas where there are many places it can snap to.

 233 QCAD (main)Performance IssueLow Slower selection / manipulation Closed
Task Description

Slower selection / manipulation compared to QCAD 2.

 201 QCAD (main)Performance IssueLow unable to move/dock command line Closed
Task Description

Cannot move/dock command line to right hand pane!



 169 QCAD (main)Performance IssueLow Image preview slow Closed
Task Description

Preview when inserting image slow

 112 QCAD (main)Performance IssueLow Slow startup because of Library Browser Closed
Task Description
  • initial start (no library browser DB present)
  • Linux vostro #1 SMP PREEMPT 2011-04-25 21:48:33 +0200 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
  • DWG / DXF files: 79
  • SVG files: 684
  • RDF files: 729
real    1m37.298s
user    1m35.101s
sys     0m0.806s
 6 QCAD (main)Performance IssueMedium Auto snap near splines Closed
Task Description

Move cursor near spline, e.g. when drawing line with auto snap active.

2544QCAD (main)Feature RequestVery LowRequest to add "plain text" paste, traditionally CTRL-S...Assigned
2 Task Description


Could you add “plain text paste” as ctrl-shift-V
Why? Because sometimes the clipboard comes in with rich text formatting that’s anti-helpful.
The workaround is to paste into a plain text editor, or the console, then recopy and repaste into qCad.

Either way the ctrl-shift-V shortcut is useful for those trained on other software but:
one could also argue that qCad should NEVER take rich text, and rather only accept the plain text with both CTRL-V and CTRL-SHIFT-V.

— CHV says

Agreed, having encountered it numerous times while documenting with text snippets from elsewhere. :roll:
Even copying Info measurements from the Command Line are Rich Text.

The best place to file a feature request is QCAD Bugtracker:
https://www.ribbonsoft.com/bugtracker/ You may need a different account there or make a new one.

May I remark that Ctrl-Shift-V is already in use for Paste along Entity (PE)
But not when the Text Editor Widget has the focus and dialog Widgets are always modal on a Win OS system. :wink:
Still, I’ll vote for it in any way.:P


2540QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowRetain original handle when Hatch properties are change...Assigned
1 Task Description


When we alter about any property of a Hatch entity it seems to be recreated with a newer/higher handle.
This doesn’t influence the drawing order in direct.
But already changing the drawing order of a Hatch it is recreated as a new entity.

It starts to matters in drawing order when there are multiple entities with the same drawing order and that after save/reload. Entities with the same drawing order then receive a new drawing order based on the original but sequentially increasing based on handle.

Because a Hatch is recreated with a newer/higher handle each time a property changes it will thus always end up above the others with the same order even when the original was created earlier.

This is more pronounced when copying/pasting entities from a source to a target drawing.
The original Hatch drawing order is retained but it will always be above existent entities with the same drawing order in the target drawing after save/reload.

Most other entities are probably just updated in situ.
It is unsure to me at this point if merely updating a Hatch is even possible.
And perhaps this is related to the addObject ForceNew flag what is false by default.


2537QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowMore variants for converting element types could be use...Assigned
Task Description

I don’t actually have any use for this idea currently, but am just posting it here to document it for consideration.

Basically, it occurred to me at least a few more useful conversions between shapes besides the existing ones could be useful.

For example:

  • Converting lines into axially aligned rectangles of a specified “radius” or “diameter” (with an option to delete or keep the original line geometry).
  • An option for the above (lines –> rectangles) that causes the intersections between the resulting rectangles to be automatically removed, like a kind of “automatic/magic wall creation tool” based on laying down lines instead of rectangles and then converting via this tool.
  • Converting circles/ellipses and rectangles back and forth between each other via their bounding volumes. It seems reasonably likely that people will sometimes want to convert circular design elements into rectangular ones and vice versa (e.g. deciding a rectangular column makes more sense than a cylindrical one and vice versa).
  • Converting any arbitrary selection into a corresponding bounding circle (not rectangle, which already exists) of sufficient size to enclose all points in the selection.

Basically, QCAD already has tools for converting shapes with operations that are a natural fit for the existing geometry, but has less tools for converting to entirely different geometry, but such uses could actually still be very useful potentially!

It seems likely to be common enough as a use case to merit inclusion, rather than just using scripting.

I don’t have any pressing need for these and I know that I could script them to create them if I really wanted to.

These are relatively minor ideas. I’m just putting this out here as more ideas for making this already wonderful software even better. :)

2535QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowNew tool idea: Scale polyline objects separately, each ...Assigned
Task Description

In my current QCAD file I’m working on, I have a circular hub with a hole in it which I am also trying to place an alternating sequence of rectangular spokes of a certain relative size around.

I had 4 spokes that I had copied and rotated 45 degrees to create 8 spokes in total around the circle. I tried scaling the the non-cardinal spokes relative to the center of the circular ring, but that causes them to also move towards the center of the ring as they shrink, thereby putting them out of place as they scale.

I therefore had to activate the scale tool once per each object and set an origin (focus) point around the area where each spoke is “attached” to the ring in order to stop each from shifting inward to the circle as it scales.

It occurred to me though that there could be a simple tool or option to do this without that.

Each of my rectangles are polyline objects and thus are coherent continuous objects.

A new scaling tool could be designed such that it is based on simply clicking on each scaling origin on each object (using snapping tools if needed) and then clicking a check button (or enter) when done and then causing the scaling GUI to appear so the user can specify the desired scaling. Each scaling would then be applied to where the polylines were clicked instead of to all the objects as one.

This would be a much faster way to rescale a bunch of objects around individually varying relative scaling origins!

2532QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowAn "auto-tick" or "automated ruler creation" tool (adde...Assigned
Task Description

Hey, this is the first of my feature suggestion submissions that isn’t tied to a corresponding suggestion thread on the QCAD forum.

Should I always create corresponding feature suggestion threads or is it ok (or better?) to just post ideas here?

Anyway though, here’s the idea:

I noticed that it is relatively easy to use things like the QCAD Split Entities and/or Paste Along Entity tool(s) to create an even set of divisions along a curve or line.

There’s also the Misc → Draw → Counter available too, for automated counting.

These together are useful for creating a “scale ruler” to be printed on a schematic for ease of reference or for use in cases where someone forgets to bring along a physical measuring device or when someone else is using that measuring device.

For example, one could print a to-scale 1 foot long ruler (or whatever other scale is relevant, e.g. 1 inch for small objects or just as a nice scale reference/legend/key) on the schematic page for convenience.

However, it would be nice if there was a convenient tool added to the Dimensions tool category that automated this entire process and was able to create arbitrary ruler-like numbered reference scales along lines (and even better if it also worked on arcs, though less important).

Even better would be if this “auto tick” or “auto ruler” tool supported multiple levels of tick scaling (e.g. 2 or 3) such as what one sees on actual rulers.

For example, an imperial ruler for a foot (I’m in the US currently) will typically having increasingly smaller tick marks added at halfway points between each of the numbered points along the ruler’s scale, which makes using it quickly much easier. For example, it’ll have a half-length tick for half an inch and then a quarter-length tick for each quarter of an inch within an inch (with the inch’s ticks being full length).

It seems like it could be relatively easy to implement that kind of nested tick marking system, which would make it super convenient and pleasant for the user of QCAD to create usable to-scale ruler-like objects wherever they desire them with hardly any effort!

I think this idea would also fit extremely well with existing tools in the Dimensions category and would be useful for many/most QCAD users!

It’s yet another good QCAD feature that could attract more people to buy upgraded copies of QCAD in the future I think!

I hope you implement it. Small conveniences still make a big difference.

Anyway, thanks a bunch again for creating this awesome program!

That’s all the suggestions I have for today.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and upcoming week, etc!

2531QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowAn always-visible hotkey overlay option would be extrem...Assigned
Task Description

Hello! This is perhaps the most useful and valuable of the suggestion ideas I’ve had for QCAD so far!

I think it would be extremely useful if there was an option within the QCAD preferences for making it so that the hotkeys currently bound to each tool button in the UI (if existent) are always displayed such that they are overlaid on top of each of the buttons. There are two main approaches I can think of for doing that (both intended to avoid disturbing the existing layout of the UI):

  1. Display the current hotkey binding associated by drawing it (probably in a distinct color) on one of the edges or corners of each of the buttons (such as the bottom middle side, the lower left corner, or the lower right corner). Even at a small font size I think this would be very effective and useful.
  2. Instead of making the overlaid hotkey display in a small font at a side or corner of each button, you could have the hotkey text be in a large font and overlaid on top of the entire button, using things such as transparency and a distinctive (never used in the other parts of the UI) color to ensure that the button icons is still readable. A broader width of the font stroke may also help if transparency is used, so that the underlying icon lines remain more readable.

Both approaches have pros and cons. I personally lean towards the former, but Husky and CVH seemed to take issue with the readability of small fonts and so I later suggested the later option too.

They seemed opposed to both (at least during the forum discussion). However, I think this UI feature could be one of the best workflow speed improvements for the average user (many/most of whom probably don’t have time to memorize the hotkeys or just don’t end up doing so) of QCAD!

The gains in efficiency and pleasantness could be enormous potentially, even despite it QCAD already being among the most pleasant and well-designed programs I’ve ever used!

It is far faster to be able to instantly read a hotkey from the UI than to have to wait for a tooltip or to look the keystrokes up in the documentation.

Memorization is the fastest of course, but as someone who finds themselves constantly spread thin over many different programs (often half a dozen or more) for long spans of time I often find it difficult to remember all of the hotkeys for each program I use. Having such hotkeys always visible is useful for users who are spread thin, as many people increasingly in the world of software.

CVH suggested that I make custom icons myself, but doing so seems far worse than simply having QCAD automatically read and then print out the corresponding hotkeys over every tool in a programmatic and properly automated way.

I seriously think this would be one of the most awesome improvement you could ever add to QCAD!

Indeed, there is no missing feature I want more than this one!

Few programs do this but the few cases I’ve seen it the feature was extremely useful for speed without having to take weeks/months/years to fully memorize hotkeys only then forget them later. This idea eliminates that problem!

It would be glorious from a usability and accessibility standpoint! Please implement it!

Hopefully Qt’s GUI system is flexible enough to draw overlaid text over the buttons like this without to much hassle. That is the main potential impediment as I see it.

Anyway though, here is the associated forum discussion where I mentioned this idea. It was the same thread as the one where I also suggested adding a way to control tooltip delays.

2530QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowMake it possible to control the tooltip delay time when...Assigned
Task Description

I noticed that every time I move my mouse from the main working canvas (schematic area) to the tool buttons on the left sidebar there is a delay before the first hover tooltip (which displays the tool names and hotkeys corresponding to each tool button) displays.

The tooltips remain fast (near instant) after that initial hover, but it it would be nice if there was an option field for controlling how long the tooltip delay is for that initial display delay.

Currently, on my Windows 10 machine, it takes about 1 full second for the tooltip to show, which may not sound like much but feels like a lot when trying to work faster.

Here is a link to the related forum discussion, which also discussed a different (and I’d say more useful/effective) idea as well.

I’m creating two separate Bugtracker submissions for that one thread though, to keep things clean.

Perhaps I should have created two separate forum thread for that to begin with.

2529QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowAdd normalized unit circle coordinates (complex numbers...Assigned
Task Description

Similarly as for my previous suggestion submission, I also had a related idea for making it easier to work with complex numbers when using QCAD by adding normalized unit circle coordinates as another option in the Angular Dimensions display units options dropdown.

Here’s the corresponding forum thread I started.

2528QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowAdd cycles (a.k.a. turns or revolutions) to the availab...Assigned
Task Description

Hello, I recently bought QCAD Pro and this is my first Bugtracker report!

First, I want to say a big thank you for creating and maintaining such a wonderful software package!

I’ve never encountered a system for expressing constraints in 2D (or even 3D) that feels as natural, intuitive, and expressive as QCAD feels!

I am very grateful to have randomly found it somehow. I wish all user interfaces were designed this way and especially that vector art programs adopted similar constraint-based tools.

Anyway though, here’s the actual feature suggestion:

I noticed that QCAD is missing one especially convenient and naturally occuring angular unit: cycles (a.k.a. turns or revolutions).

I personally find cycles to be my favorite unit overall and to be the most intuitive to work with (when not needing to use physical protractors). I actually mostly work digitally and most of my uses for QCAD will be digital. QCAD is the only software I’ve found that really expresses 2D constraints the way I want to be able to work and lay things out.

Rather than redundantly belabor the many reasons why I think cycles should added to the available displayed angle units in the Preferences → Dimension Settings → Angular Dimensions dropdown list, I will simply link to the rather large discussion I’ve already had with Husky and CVH arguing my case about why I want it added and why many other users could benefit from it.

Here’s the link to the relevant forum discussion.

2527QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowOption to mirrow viewports in paperspaceAssigned
3 Task Description

In paperspace I can scale and rotate etc. a viewport but I can’t mirrow it for to me unknown reasons.
After reading and testing this user request I agree that it would make sence to have such an option. The solution from Andrew to accomplish that task with blocks / edit block in place is already a nice solution but to me it feels like paperspace would be the correct place with less action to manage. The user can still design the drawing as usal in modelspace without thinking about the “special treatment” for the block which is used for the mirrowed presentation.

Refering to forum conversation:

2507QCAD/CAMFeature RequestLowAdd Toolpath from LayerAssigned
1 Task Description

I’ve been able to make this work as proof of concept very easily, but many of the functions are inaccessible/difficult to override from post-processors.

Desired functionality:

1) Enable “Add Profile Toolpath” UI elements all the time (remove setRequiresSelection)
2) CAM Profile Toolpath Dialog: Drop-down menu of available Layers. First option “By Selection Only” 3) “By Selection Only” continues to pass EntityIds of selected objects (existing functionality)
4) Choosing an active Layer will use the Layer as source of EntityIds
5) Any changes to Entities on a Layer will result in those new/removed/changed objects being re-generated without having to manually select and update the tool paths. Either do not recover list of EntityIds from the ToolpathBlock, and instead use “live” each time it’s regenerated, or additional functionality to determine if a LayerId is associated with the Toolpath, and then lookup EntityIds.

I assume the persistence of the Layer selection would be available within the Toolpath, so that it will automatically update EntityIds every time a Toolpath is regenerated, without having to select Entities and updating the toolpath manually.

For large projects, being able to force select objects based upon layer dramatically reduces mistakes and speeds up the workflow.


2506QCAD/CAMFeature RequestLowInclude arc segmentation for 'milling' On-Path.Assigned
3 Task Description

Related forum topic:

For ‘milling’ on path it doesn’t consider

this.arcInterpolation = true

in the custom postprocessor nor the checked option in the CAM Configuration Dialog.

As far as detected the CamArcInterpolation checkbox of the CAM Configuration Dialog is unrelated to the this.arcInterpolation in the postprocessor.


2505QCAD (main)Feature RequestVery LowInfo > Polygonal Area > Use dimension decimal format fo...Assigned
1 Task Description

On behalf of user Kmeelo

Polygonal Area adds measurements text with 12 decimal digits and then as short as possible.

Current formatting path see: https://www.qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=10450&p=42833#p42805

Related forum feature request: https://www.qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=10458

I also see a misconception of the term ‘precision’.
Numbers precision is the amount of significant digits disregarding the position of the decimal point.
12 decimal digits is about the largest precision for numbers with 5 integer digits.


2501QCAD (main)Feature RequestVery LowAdd spelling checker / spell checker for all text boxesAssigned
1 Task Description

Suggestion to add spelling checker / spell checker for all text boxes

 2498 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Adjust tooltip shortcut color and command line message  ...Closed
1 Task Description

On macOS 14.1 and QCAD 3.28.2, the state of the OS (light or dark theme) affects some of the QCAD colour palette for the life of the session. So far I’ve noticed the problem with the keyboard shortcuts in tooltips and text in the command line output, but there may be other instances of the problem.

To reproduce:

1. Set the OS to light mode.

2. Start QCAD. Note the keyboard shortcuts in the tooltips are optimised for a light palette.

3. With QCAD still running, switch the OS to dark mode.

4. Note that while most of the QCAD interface switches to a dark mode palette, the keyboard shortcuts in the tooltips do not.

A similar behaviour is observed when starting from dark mode and switching to light mode.

I hope that makes sense. See attached screenshots for examples.

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Available keyboard shortcuts


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